--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, laughinggull108  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater no_reply@ wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote: In his
> > > Commentary on the Gita Maharishi explains, "With the constant
> practice
> > > of meditation, this infusion continues to grow and when it is
> full-grown
> > > cosmic consciousness will have been attained.   Once this state
> is
> > > attained, to fall from it is impossible."  pg  173  from The
> > > Science of Being and Art of Living, with my underliningfor emphasis:
> > > When this self-consciousness is forever maintained, even when the
> mind
> > > emerges from the Transcendent and engages in the field of activity,
> then
> > > self-consciousness attains the status of cosmic consciousness.Â
> > > Self-consciousness is then established eternally in the nature of
> the
> > > mind.  pg 249
> > > Unless, of course, you make a conscious and concerted Herculean
> effort,
> > > as Robin evidently did, to overthrow the overwhelming hold of
> > > enlightenment on yourself. It appears not everyone wants to stay
> under
> > > the influence or to be held so firmly by the force of this power
> over
> > > them. I daresay Robin would still be in UC unless he had taken the
> steps
> > > he did to counteract that state. You are implying, Share, that his
> UC
> > > was not real because he is no longer in that state of consciousness.
> You
> > > see, what you write here is transparent.
> >
> > Maybe transparent to you Ann (and now to Judy who's chimed in with her
> support) but that's just the way you roll or whatever you seem to be
> looking for. Whatever is *transparent* to you, what the hell difference
> does it make? It seems that a few of you are making a concerted effort
> to beat on those with differing viewpoints until they just give up and
> no longer post here or at least post less frequently. Is that what
> you're trying to do Ann?
> >
> > Anyway, what you write above *seems* transparent to me but, then
> again, maybe that's just the way I roll. Or maybe what you write touches
> my heart, but not in a good way, and forces me to respond. BTW, love the
> boldface on your entire response...almost as good as underline.
> Here Sweetie, just in case you like this better. If you hadn't noticed,
> yesterday the formatting of the posts here was wonkified so people were
> using all sorts of ways to identify who wrote what in each post.
> do you think I was using bold to emphasize how important what I say is,
> you twit?

Oh yes, that's what I thought Ann. As in following Share's lead of underlining 
for emphasis, I thought you were trying to one-up her by using all boldface. 
Very transparent indeed.

> Funny how you indulge your negative reactions so well. 

When nature calls, you know. That's the power of your posts.

Just a
> little touch of anger in your heart and you're off to the races. Now, my
> question to you: do you like the bold pink or bold black without the
> italics better?
> >

Answered that in an earlier post.

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