Susan, by the Grace of the Unified Field it is raining buckets outside right 
now.  Great lightening and big thunder, in December?  That's anthropocentric 
global weird weather for you.  This rain will frost in later tonite and 
probably allow for a seeding of new crop in less than three months now.  Thank 
the Unified Field.  

The only problem with this rain is that it is too hard and too much volume 
coming at once, it will mostly rush off and take good soil with it.  These are 
some of the worst times of year for soil erosion before the frost goes in the 
ground after crops are out as fall field work is done or as the frost is coming 
out in the Spring.  The soil is terribly exposed.  You want to see the problem, 
 take a look at these pictures of modern farming.  These are graphic soil 
erosion pictures that may be offensive to some audiences:

Center the photos with the arrows on your keyboard and scroll away.  Look at 
the others on the sidebar.  


--- In, "Susan" <wayback71@...> wrote:
> Thanks for the info, Buck.  I did not realize you had such a  strong farming 
> background - and I can imagine the risk you take each year. Do you guys get 
> any sort of government guarantees for your crops?  Is there a way to hedge 
> things so you don't lose it all in a year of bad weather?
> I think the science expects things to continue to get hotter and drier in the 
> midwest.  Same for northern Africa and most of Spain.  In Fairfield,   let's 
> hope all that chanting somehow reconfigures things.  Stay warm this winter 
> and in the approaching storm.
> --- In, "Buck" wrote:
> >
> > 
> > --- In, "Susan"  wrote:
> > >
> > > Buck, Share, anyone -Is there any climate change, warming, bigger
> > storms, droughts going on out there?  Or expected by people who believe
> > in such things?  And let's just not count any anticipated effect from
> > the pandits and the chanting for now, what about the science?
> > >
> > 
> > Dear Susan,
> > I am born and raised Iowa.  It's Abnormally hot and dry.  Has been
> > growing that way for several years.  Obviously something is advancing. 
> > I'm a farmer and all my Iowan farmer neighbors see this too.  It's a
> > damned big gamble putting in a crop and keeping and feeding livestock. 
> > The hot is intensely hot, the dry is stretching out too far between
> > showers.  The subsoil moisture just ain't there to sustain a crop.  It
> > is that way stretching from the Rocky mountains clear out to New York
> > all across the grain belt.  Famine is extremely likely because people
> > have lived so high off the hog burning fossil fuels to drive their big
> > ass cars and heat and cool their fucking houses.  Damn city people.  Get
> > ready for crop failures soon.  We've just barely squeaked by these last
> > few growing years.  That's the truth.  Big weather events including big
> > heat and drought bring famine in the real world.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Global Big Weather and Weird Weather locally.  Guess what, the largest
> > single cell winter storm in the Mid-west in years is going to hit Iowa
> > on 12.21.2-12.  Coming like an inland hurricane although they can't call
> > it that because it would upset insurance companies.  The eye of the
> > storm will move well to the North of us here in Fairfield.  That's
> > invincibility from all the consciousness here.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Now If you don't buy that you should listen to a scientist discussing
> > the powerful influence of consciousness on our environment.  Take a
> > listen in a science lesson of modern science.  Modern science and the
> > primordial influence of consciousness.  This is what we farm here in
> > Fairfield.  It's damned hard farming given all the inertia of dullness
> > out there in the surrounding world of humanity creating such woe and
> > tarnation otherwise. 
> >
> > <>
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > It's a good lesson in science that everyone should study,
> > 
> > -Buck, out standing in his fields
> >

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