--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> Unstressing as I understand it is the release of stress from
> the physiology and mind/emotions in an amount or to such a
> degree that the release is uncomfortable and/or results in 
> unpleasant and sometimes inappropriate manifestation of 
> mental/emotional states and behavior that is detrimental to
> the individual.

That's how the term "unstressing" is commonly used, but in
my understanding, technically it refers to what happens
during TM practice automatically. Thoughts that arise in
meditation are said to be release of stress, even if they're

> People with PTSD are already in the midst of such non-TM
> unstressing with flashbacks, intrusive thoughts and nightmares,
> they don’t need a technique that creates more unstressing.

I agree.

Let me ask you a hypothetical question, though. If TM were
to be taught to PTSD sufferers by an independent group of
folks trained as TM teachers but no longer loyal to the TMO,
just as a mental technique without all the frills, and they
had special training in how to minimize uncomfortable
unstressing (reducing meditation time, etc.--down to zero,
if necessary)--*and* using whatever other techniques had been
shown to be helpful--would you be as adamantly opposed?

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