Dear Navashok, the history of Barry's presence here on FFL is an interesting 
one. He started out as one of the gang, and pretty soon his creatively  
written, though logically inept, criticism of TM and Maharishi attracted some 
like minded souls. This went on for a few years. The salad days, for him.

Slowly, he has alienated all of those, except you and MJ, who used to back him 
at every turn. They recognized, as you may, that this group has a highly tuned 
BS meter, that pegs regularly at what Barry writes, in his often condescending 
and nasty way. Not worth the trouble.

So, yes, Barry now appears as a lone voice in his own wilderness, but it wasn't 
always so. Personally, I think he likes it. 

--- In, navashok <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In, "seventhray27" <steve.sundur@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > --- In, "authfriend" <authfriend@>
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In, "seventhray27" steve.sundur@
> > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@>
> > > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > My understanding, not being a shrink, is that the Turq has
> > > > > some kind of a brain damage. He could be born with it, his
> > > > > military father might have hit him so hard as a boy that
> > > > > he never recovered, overly use of drugs at an early age or
> > > > > straining during Buddhist meditation.
> > > >
> > > > That's really an ugly personal attack.
> > >
> > > Yes, gee, poor victimized Barry, who is entirely innocent
> > > of ever having made any ugly personal attacks, least of
> > > all on Nabby.
> > >
> > > Do you ever think before you write, Steve?
> > >
> > > Never mind. I doubt it would make any difference.
> > >
> > Judy, surely you elevate me!  Never would I figure that I would rank
> > such that you would spend some of the last few sands in your hourglass
> > on me.  I might have expected though, something a little more creative
> > than your standard insult.   But I guess I'm glad I can draw some of
> > your fire away from the usual targets.
> >
> Steve, you have to get some smarts here. 
> 1) If you say somebody is crazy, mentally retarded or otherwise lacking in 
> mental capacity it is completely okay if you use it as a put-down, that is to 
> say, you just say it to insult the other person, you actually don't mean it 
> literally. But, if you say it about a person, when it is actually true, or 
> even might be true, there is a chance that it is actually literally the case, 
> if you actually mean it, not as an insult or put-down, even if you might have 
> a sense of compassion toward this person, then it is an inexcusable sin, that 
> cannot be forgiven.
> 2) It's okay to say anything  negative, derogatory, insulting, as long as 
> it's about Barry, at least in the eyes of Judy and her gang. It's like that 
> old Arab proverb, 'Beat your wife daily, if you don't know why, she knows 
> it'. Substitute wife here with Barry.

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