> ...then it is an inexcusable sin, that cannot be 
> forgiven.
Where is Dr. Pete when we need him? LoL!   

"People who are in cults are 'trained'. The 'training' 
shows when they 'perform' [for the *truth*], as they 
think they do for MMY and the TM org. 

I know. I went through the 'training' - and was able 
to extract myself from it over a period of *years*. 
It's not easy to get out after such indoctrination.

"I was sincere and was duped. The MMY betrayal was 
VERY deep for me. He betrayed a generation that looked 
to him - and to me - it is an evil that should be 

It is not much different, psychologically, for the 
'Mormons' and other cult orgs." - John Manning

> > > > > My understanding, not being a shrink, is that the Turq has
> > > > > some kind of a brain damage. He could be born with it, his
> > > > > military father might have hit him so hard as a boy that
> > > > > he never recovered, overly use of drugs at an early age or
> > > > > straining during Buddhist meditation.
> > > >
> > > > That's really an ugly personal attack.
> > >
> > > Yes, gee, poor victimized Barry, who is entirely innocent
> > > of ever having made any ugly personal attacks, least of
> > > all on Nabby.
> > >
> > > Do you ever think before you write, Steve?
> > >
> > > Never mind. I doubt it would make any difference.
> > >

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