By the way, M used to say, in regards to mantras used in TM, that they are 
*meaningless sounds who's effects are known*. Many are closely associated with 
Saraswati, the goddess of learning. I would assume that these particular 
mantras stimulate the ability to learn and comprehend abstract thinking, the 
ability to understand the Veda. He also explained that experiencing a mantra on 
it's grossest level had one effect while experiencing it on it's subtlest had a 
much more powerful effect. The analogy he used was you can throw a rock at 
someone and bruise him or you could excite the atoms in the rock and vaporise 
him.< To answer you question below, Judy had it right, the instructions used in 
TM, teaches you how to get out of the way so that transcending can naturally 
happen. Their is nothing you can *do* to make yourself transcend. It happens 
automatically if you get out of the way. Most other meditation techniques tell 
you what to do and how to do it and
 tell you to focus on the instructions. Focus, concentration, requires effort. 
Effort makes the mind active and the idea of TM is for the mind to become less 
active while remaining alert. When you say, other instructions are *not much 
different*, THAT is the key here. Any effort, what so ever, retards the process 
of transcending. Getting checked , even after decades of TM, is beneficial 
because just hearing those same instructions after many years can be perceived 
differently and could have the effect of *greasing the skids*, causing less 
*friction*. My best meditations are when the *bottom falls out* and there I AM.


 From: Michael Jackson <>
To: "" <> 
Sent: Tuesday, March 5, 2013 3:24 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Question for TM Cheerleaders
Okay, not superior but better - he absolutely said many times that TM was the 
best meditation to do. I wish some other TM teachers here would weigh in on 
this and explain to me how the instructions which are not much different than 
other meditations makes it better than any other. 


 From: Mike Dixon <>
To: "" <> 
Sent: Tuesday, March 5, 2013 6:15 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Question for TM Cheerleaders
I'm not sure M ever said the mantras he gave were *superior*. It's the 
naturalness and effortlessness of the technique that is superior. It goes by 
it's self. There's no concentrating or effort made and is very effective. The 
mantras are just part of the tradition he came from as is the puja and so on. 
You could transcend just as easily on *Elohim*, if you didn't have any 
association with it and used the same instruction used in TM.

 From: Michael Jackson <>
To: "" <> 
Sent: Tuesday, March 5, 2013 1:43 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Question for TM Cheerleaders
But you don't need TM to do that - so what about TM mantras are special? Cuz if 
it isn't the mantras, you can't seriously think the simple instructions given 
in the checking notes for example are responsible for TM being superior to all 
other meditation methods?


 From: Mike Dixon <>
To: "" <> 
Sent: Tuesday, March 5, 2013 4:08 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Question for TM Cheerleaders
Correct, the actual instructions on meditation are simply like taking the 
correct angle on a diving board. Once the correct angle is reached, natural 
law(gravity) does the rest, you fall into the water. Once the mantra is thought 
effortlessly, the process of transcending begins. Making any effort at that 
point,holding onto or changing the rhythm, etc. stops the process of 
transcending. If we feel like we are *forgetting* the mantra, we let it go 
because that is when we are transcending. That *gap* between forgetting the 
mantra and a new thought arising is when we transcended. With practice, that 
gap gets more and more noticeable, to the point of no mantra and no thought, 
just silence, awareness of awareness.

 From: authfriend <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 5, 2013 12:11 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Question for TM Cheerleaders
--- In, Mike Dixon  wrote: 
> Natural effortlessness.  Bingo. Or more precisely, the specific instructional 
method Maharishi created (right down to the instruction 
to "Sit easily" rather than "Relax" at the start of 
checking).  (The puja may be part of it as well--some TM teachers 
would say so, at any rate.)  But the mantras TM uses are just plain ol' 
garden-variety bija mantras. Do a search for "bija mantra" (or "beeja" 
or "beej"), Michael, you'll find 'em all over the Web. 
They're said to be especially powerful, but they're not 
unique to TM.  > ________________________________ 
>  From: Michael Jackson 
> To: ""; 
> Sent: Tuesday, March 5, 2013 10:31 AM 
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Question for TM Cheerleaders 
> Oh come on - Marshy always said TM was better than other meditations - for 
> that to be true, the particular set of mantras have to be superior to all 
> others. If not, what would then make TM better than other meditations? 
> ________________________________ 
>  From: sparaig > To: > Sent: Tuesday, 
> March 5, 2013 1:12 PM 
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Question for TM Cheerleaders 
> All MMY claimed about TM mantras was:  1) they are not om or some other 
> monk-oriented mantra (if there are any, in his mind);  2) he deemed them to 
> be suitable for householders;  3) some mantras were more suitable for some 
> people than than others, and he chose a simple set that was reasonably 
> beneficial for anyone, though each was presumably more beneficial for some 
> people than others. MMY never claimed to be the ultimate expert on such 
> matters. The impression he gave was that he intuited a few things from the 
> tradition that he thought were most important and made them part of the TM 
> canon.  L --- In, "seekliberation"  
> wrote: > > They are superior in that if you pay for them, it fills up the 
> TMO's pockets with more money.  More money = Superior.  >  > seekliberation > 
>  > --- In, Michael Jackson  wrote: > > 
>  > >  > > My question is, if the TM mantras are superior, how are they 
>  superior? > > > 

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