And Americans are actually eating fewer calories:

Sleep deprivation article:


Let's get rid of DST.

On 03/12/2013 04:30 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
> Back at the beginning of the century when the US went on a "low fat"
> craze companies added carbs to things to replace fats.  That low fat
> cream cheese you have with your bagel has cornstarch to give it body.
> Then we have the problem with HFCS which gets broken down too fast and
> stored as fat.  It also makes people hungrier.  It isn't fat that is
> making people fat it's the carbs!  And it's not that everyone needs to
> go on a low carb diet either because some people tolerate carbs better
> than others.  It's mainly the processed carb$.
> I mentioned the other day that DST makes people fat.  My reason was that
> people's eating cycles get messed up due to it.  But I also heard a
> researcher interviewed who said that the sleep deprivation caused by the
> DST changeover can contribute to obesity.
> There are lots of reasons for obesity in the US and much of it due
> profiteering by big agra.  Some people if they try to diet can do their
> job right either. Doctors get one quarter or semester of nutrition and
> so are lousy at it.
> The popular "tastes" in the US are sweet, salty and unctuous (fat).
> Those are grounding.  People don't go much for astringent and bitter.
> On 03/12/2013 03:33 PM, wrote:
>> I am not surprised - I am not a small person, and yet rarely finish my meal 
>> at a restaurant, due to the amount of food served. My wife has a pretty good 
>> theory, tying the amount of food served to the corporate profit margin 
>> needed per restaurant, vs. what makes sense for the body.
>> Also saw something today about the mislabeling of food, particularly 
>> seafood, in the US. Stay away from the Calimari appetizer - Some of it is 
>> actually sliced, and deep fried, pig rectum. I wish I was joking.
>> --- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
>>> --- In, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
>>>> Real unemployment in the US is about 23% if you count those
>>>> who have given up looking (must be a helluva underground
>>>> economy out there). The Chinese think that all Americans
>>>> are fat and if they start to get fat will say something
>>>> like "I don't want to be fat like an American!"
>>>> (Source: the Chinese documentary "Last Train Home.")
>>> The Chinese are correct. America has the highest percentage
>>> of obese people of any country in the world. According to a
>>> JAMA study and the CDC, 39.5% of Americans are obese. *Not*
>>> overweight, obese.
>>> An *additional* 33.3% on top of that are overweight.

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