--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, laughinggull108 <no_reply@...>
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula chivukula.ravi@
> >
> > LG baby - all that water that you have been selling to those
suckers, I
> > mean seekers - better be from that bowl of Ganga water that I spat
> > otherwise I am going to wipe that fucking laugh off your face and
> > title.
> http://youtu.be/D88HMQF8W_4 <http://youtu.be/D88HMQF8W_4>


> > On Sat, Mar 23, 2013 at 8:05 PM, laughinggull108
> > no_reply@yahoogroups.comwrote:
> >
> > > **
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, laughinggull108 <no_reply@>
> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, laughinggull108
<no_reply@> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros
> > > <anartaxius@> wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, laughinggull108
> > > wrote:
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > So true and don't either of you forget it! From now on,
you have
> > > to go through me to get to my sweet innocent Baby Krishna Ravi. If
you wish
> > > to respond to Him, you must ask me first. I'll then consult with
Him in due
> > > time to see if He would like to even pursue your line of
discussion. If He
> > > chooses not to, then no reason to even post your comments in the
> > > place. A very efficient and effective use of His precious time.
And please
> > > try to remember...
> > > > > > >
> > > >
> > > > > > I understand that you, Laughinggull, are now manning the
> > > counter access to His Presence the Magisterial Royal Mahaswami
> > > Chivukula Guruji Mahatmaraja, beneath whom I am not fit to sweep
even His
> > > Toe Nail Clippings. Pray tell upon what condition His Infiniteness
> > > deign to drop a few crumbs of His Holy and Benign Darshan in my
> > > direction. Perhaps in a moment of His most offhand attention He
would feel
> > > it barely tolerable to pass a kernel of His Most High Wisdom
through you to
> > > us most thirsty and groveling, sycophantic worshipers of His
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Perhaps you could collect a few grains left over from one of
> > > Chapatis, that we could build a shrine to house them and
perpetuate their
> > > Divine and most Humble power.
> > > > > >
> > > >
> > > > > Scenario: A beat up saffron-colored Ford Ranger mini-pickup
truck with
> > > a rickety wooden camper shell parked beside a clear-flowing river
with a
> > > flashing neon sign hooked up to a 12-volt battery that reads
"Water for
> > > Sale". Leaning against the camper shell on the tailgate in his
much too
> > > tight, yet dapper, Shivaratri-best dhoti is our Laughing Protector
of His
> > > Holiness Raviji who appears to be either in samadhi or nodding
off. (The
> > > latter is probably the case since LPHHR's head occasionally drops
> > > then quickly comes back up with a jerking motion.) Seeker Xeno
> > > approaches while seekers Share and Steve maintain a relatively
> > > distance about 50 yards away hidden in the lush vegetation growing
> > > the river on which seeker Share is busily munching and making soft
> > > sounds. Seeker Steve's eyes are focused on seeker Share, with an
> > > glance towards seeker Xeno, ever ready to jump in at a moment's
> > > should the slightest danger present itself. A dry twig snaps
loudly under
> > > seeker Xeno's sandal-covered foot to which LPHHR awakens with a
> > > muttering "...yes...mmm...yes...hare Ravi...mmm..." as if caught
between an
> > > erotic dream and waking reality.
> > > > >
> > > > > Seeker Xeno is the first to speak: "Oh Laughing Protector and
> > > of the Ticket Counter, I and my two seeker companions hiding back
there in
> > > the bushes have traveled long and far along this clear-flowing
river and
> > > are most thirsty for water. More importantly, and I can't speak
for my two
> > > seeker companions hiding back there in the bushes, I approach as a
> > > groveling, sycophantic worshiper of His Greatness whose name is
revered far
> > > and wide throughout these lands of FFL, and desire greatly for
just a few
> > > crumbs of His Holy and Benign Darshan or maybe just a kernel of
His Most
> > > High Wisdom passed through you to me...uh, I mean us. Hey, seekers
> > > and Steve, if you wanna get in on this, you better get up here
> > > > >
> > > > > Slightly disheveled seekers Share and Steve, with sheepish
grins on
> > > their glistening faces, emerge from the bushes.
> > > > >
> > > > > Fully-awakened (but not in the spiritual sense) LPHHR
recognizing that
> > > he has some shills...uh...potential clients speaks: "Yes
> > > right up...step right up all ye sincere seekers of
transitory...uh...I mean
> > > permanent RR. First things first however. Cool, clear,
> > > water is $2 per cup or I can let you have an entire quart for $10.
So what
> > > will it be my most parched and sincere seekers?"
> > > > >
> > > > > After a brief consultation among the three seeker companions
from whom
> > > can be heard seeker Xeno "...the cups are cheaper" and seeker
Share in her
> > > most pouty voice "...but I want the quart!", seeker Xeno
approaches and
> > > says: "We'll take two quarts. And by the way, what's RR?"
> > > > >
> > > > > The scene fades to black as the first strains of "Amazing
Grace" play
> > > softly in the background.
> > > > >
> > > > > [to be continued...]
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > > Scene fades in as the final strains of the gospel "Just As I Am"
> > > out softly in the background.
> > > >
> > > > Laughing Jelly Bean, formerly known as LPHHR, with a blissful
smile on
> > > his pudgy yet somewhat handsome face, slips a slightly fatter
wallet into
> > > the folds of his patched dhoti while the three seeker companions,
seated on
> > > heavily worn straw mats for a very, very reasonable $1 per mat per
> > > hour, have contented expressions on their faces as seeker Xeno
drains the
> > > last few drops from his quart of water and seeker Share finishes
the quart
> > > that she and seeker Steve decided to share...seeker Steve only
drank half a
> > > cup before handing it to seeker Share, and she never gave it back
but that
> > > doesn't matter to seeker Steve although he licks his still-parched
lips as
> > > he watches the final drops disappear into seeker Share's mouth.
> > > >
> > > > Seeker Xeno, with a puzzled yet serene look on his face, keeps
> > > from the clear-flowing waters of the river just a few feet away to
> > > slightly lighter wallet, while seekers Share and Steve stare at
each other
> > > as seeker Share coos softly, "My jelly bean Steve, you bad...but
good, if
> > > you know what I mean..." and seeker Steve, longingly looking
towards the
> > > bushes thirty yards or so away, murmurs "I really need that...".
> > > >
> > > > Seeker Xeno, in a calm, confident yet slightly impatient voice,
is the
> > > first to break the silence: "Our physical thirsts have been
quenched, oh
> > > Ticket Counter Keeper, however, our spiritual thirsts within our
> > > beings remain sharp and acute. With all due respect, I feel that
we three
> > > are now ready for some darshan and wisdom from His Holiness, the
Big R."
> > > >
> > > > LJB, sensing a slightly disrespectful tone in seeker Xeno's
referral to
> > > his Master as the "Big R", responds sharply yet calmly: "Patience,
my good
> > > man, patience...all in good time, all in good time. First, you
must prove
> > > yourselves worthy of even the slightest and briefest of His Most
> > > Attention, afterwhich we'll determine whether you have advanced
> > > along the path to be admitted to His Most Holy and Exalted
Presence. To put
> > > us in the proper frame of mind, we will now meditate for some
> > > afterwhich you are to awaken me when you feel you are ready to
begin your
> > > journey."
> > > >
> > > > Seekers Share and Steve, urgently heading for the bushes, call
back in
> > > one voice like identical twins: "Xeno, back in a few...you can
> > > without us."
> > > >
> > > > As seeker Xeno is seen positioning himself into full lotus, a
> > > Ghandarvaved raga conducive to deep meditation begins to play
softly as the
> > > scene fades to black.
> > > >
> > > > The next scene slowly fades up to the gospel "Shall We Gather at
> > > River" intermittant with the Beatles' "Fool on the Hill".
> > > >
> > > > Several hours have passed and seeker Xeno appears to be in deep
> > > with his head dropped against his chest, and there is no sign of
> > > Share and Steve. The back of the rickety camper shell on the
> > > saffron-colored beat up Ford Ranger mini-pickup truck has been
opened, and
> > > LJB can be seen putting the final touches on various and sundry
> > > displayed temptingly yet tastefully on the tailgate.
> > > >
> > > > When satisfied with his arrangement, LJB nods self-satisfyingly
> > > himself, and laughing quietly with a slight air of sinisterness,
> > > seeker Xeno like a spider approaches his captured prey, bends
towards his
> > > ear and softly whispers: "Now, slowly open the eyes."
> > > >
> > > > [...to be continued...maybe]
> > > >
> > >
> > > When we last left LJB and our three seekers, seekers Share and
Steve were
> > > yadda yadda yadda in the lush vegetation just inches away from the
> > > clear-flowing river while seeker Xeno had spent an indeterminant
length of
> > > time either deep in samadhi or sloughing off hopefully the final
> > > of deep fatigue in his nervous system...judging from the wet spot
on his
> > > shirt front, we can safely assume the latter. As the scene opens,
> > > J's "Price Tag" (http://youtu.be/qMxX-QOV9tI) can be heard playing
> > > from the beat up Sony boom-box on the seat in the cab of the beat
> > > saffron-colored Ford Ranger mini-pickup truck. As in the last
scene, LJB is
> > > leaning in close to seeker Xeno, and in a louder and slightly more
> > > impatient voice says: "Take one or two minutes and slowly open the
> > >
> > > As seeker Xeno's eyes begin to flutter open, seekers Share's and
> > > begin to close as the heavy and intoxicatingly sweet fragrance of
> > > along with the natural lullaby of the clear-flowing river, gently
> > > them to sleep...not to mention the velvety cushion of soft green
> > > against which both are languidly reclined. (Happy now, Steve???)
> > >
> > > When he is once more able to focus, seeker Xeno's eyes fall on the
> > > assortment of objects that LJB has so artfully and tastefully
arranged on
> > > the downturned tailgate of the pick-up truck. In the shadows under
> > > wooden camper shell can be seen various beat up cardboard boxes in
a state
> > > of disarray with their contents spilling out across the bed of the
> > >
> > > "Could I interest you seeker Xeno in various rare and sacred
> > > guaranteed to begin the cleansing and purifying process to the
extent that
> > > His Worshipfulness will deign to bestow a brief moment of His
> > > attention upon your sorry ass...uh, I mean unrealized small 's'
> > > croons LJB in his best Og Mandino impression.
> > >
> > > In a somewhat croaky yet quiet whisper so that seekers Share and
> > > can't hear, seeker Xeno asks "May I please buy four cups of water
> > > assuage my rabid thirst?"
> > >
> > > "Certainly," smiles LJB as he walks a mere two feet away and dips
an empty
> > > quart bottle in the clear-flowing river and hands it to seeker
Xeno. "That
> > > will be $10 please."
> > >
> > > "Now wait just a darn minute, O Laughing One" protests seeker
Xeno, who
> > > obviously came out of meditation a little too quickly. "Earlier
you said
> > > water was $2 a cup so by my calculation four cups would only be
> > >
> > > "Yes, dear seeker Xeno, that is true," croons LJB in his most
> > > voice. "But four cups is equal to a quart of water, and the price
of a
> > > quart of water is $10. If you're running low on funds, I
> > > accept credit or debit cards for a very modest 5% surcharge over
and above
> > > my very fair purchase prices."
> > >
> > > Slightly confused because he came out of meditation a little too
> > > and his rabid thirst getting the better of him, seeker Xeno hands
over his
> > > gold Amex card to which LJB smiles gleefully as soon as he turns
to go ring
> > > up the charge. "Why don't I just hold on to this until all our
> > > are complete, hmmm?" he asks, to which seeker Xeno, in a daze and
> > > at a group of people further down the clear-flowing river dipping
out cool
> > > water by the gallon, mutters, "Huh? Whatever."
> > >
> > > Suddenly, and with utter finality, the veil lifts, and with a
clarity of
> > > understanding experienced previously only for the very briefest of
> > > no longer a seeker Xeno proclaims, "O Laughing One, I am now the
one who is
> > > laughing because the water is, and has always been, free."
> > >
> > > A momentary look of fear and panic clouds LJB's face as he
realizes no
> > > longer a seeker Xeno has discovered the truth, but quickly turns
> > > disappointment as he realizes he has just lost his best customer
in weeks.
> > > "What has been sought has been found. You have no need for these
> > > objects nor the attention or presence of my Master Raviji, so go
from here
> > > and find your own self-proclaimed door lackeys."
> > >
> > > As Xeno is seen disappearing into the setting sun whistling
> > > "Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah" further down the river, seekers Share and
Steve can be
> > > seen stumbling towards the clearing in which sits the beat up
> > > saffron-colored Ford Ranger mini-pickup truck. As the scene slowly
fades to
> > > black, seeker Share can be heard excitedly saying, "Oh look Stevie
at all
> > > these wonderful things. I must have one of these and, and three of
> > > and, and...Stevie, would you be a dear and buy us another quart of
> > > water...and what are those things in that box back there..." as
LJB's face
> > > turns from sadness and disappointment to absolute and utter joy,
and he
> > > croons, "Right this way, seeker Share, right this way. Have I got
> > > special just for you..."
> > >
> > > [to be continued for a substantial yet very modest fee]
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >

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