oh dear Aunt Share - fear not, 'cause my mind ain't addled no more. Not
after this post of yours Aunt Share - it's led to much illumination.

What I hear Aunt is that in-authenticity and psychological rape are a thing
of the past - so 2012. This is wonderful Auntie - certainly you have been
quite authentic with me in the recent past and it's good to know that I
don't have to cringe anymore and will not have to hear any squealing,
shrieking or moaning of yours in response to Xeno's or Curtis's posts.

Surely you have realized they are not as authentic as your dear nephew. You
realize you are just a robotic POV to His Holiness Curtis and a text on a
screen to Guru Xeno. You know the minute you are audacious enough to cross
your limits - you will be humiliated, either His Holiness's - "toxic energy
directed towards strangers on internet" curse or Guru Xeno processing any
posts over 200 words through a text compactor. Your erstwhile icons have
limits of engagement, your nephew none.

This cavorting in the bushes, possibly with Steve or LG sounds totally good
to me - they are nice guys, honest and open at least. And thank you for
that consigning that phrase psychological rape to the dustbin - you don't
know how many times I wondered when you would lob that at me - but I have
been lucky Auntie, because even the 3-4 neurotic birches I have had the
misfortune of trying to be loving, playful and/or vulnerable around Amma
never even remotely came close to you. So this is all good news.

No - a new day has dawned in the long, bitter, embattled history of the
Long Ladislaw feud, I promise Auntie - I will strive for new material from
today on. Thank you, this feels really good.

On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 4:02 AM, Share Long <sharelon...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> **
> dear Laughing One Jelly Bean please do not be hurt that Ravi has totally
> forgotten the plot line of your Garden of Eden saga in which Xeno was NOT
> the one with whom I was cavorting in the bushes.  Obviously the San Diego
> sun and southern CA ambiance has addled his brain, which he, meaning Ravi
> of course, doesn't even like us to talk about!  His brain I mean.
> Neuroscience and all that bullocks.  Anyway, more evidence of this addling
> is his being stuck in the past with talk of psychological rape and
> inauthenticity.  Dear LOJB, isn't that just so so LAST year?!  And all the
> effing this and effing that.  One is sorely tempted to urge Nephew to get
> some new material for gosh sakes!  It's a new year.  Even in Western
> astrology.  Even in the Chinese system.  It's a new season.  It's almost a
> new month.  Get with the new program, Newphew!  Sorry couldn't resist that
> lame pun smiley faces all around.
>   ------------------------------
> *From:* Ravi Chivukula <chivukula.r...@gmail.com>
> *To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> *Sent:* Monday, March 25, 2013 11:20 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Cliff Notes Robin [previously Re: Men only]
> "Everyone on this forum is just text on a screen to me."
> Thank you Guru Xeno - this is what I like about you. You are at least
> honest - and admit you are a cold-hearted, emotionless, distant, dead man
> basically, of dead beliefs, of inane platitudes - having sexual orgies in
> your mind with words, even your hard-ons while you are having sex with
> words might be just a word in your mind called "hard-on". It really
> reflects in your writing - everytime I read you it's astonishing, it's as
> if you are a zombie. And then equally hilarious is when I see someone like
> Share react to you - it's as if she actually had sex with you and you made
> her come. I'm always tempted to ask you and Share to take your orgies
> offline.
> Hail to Guru Zombie Xeno !!!
> On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 8:36 PM, Xenophaneros Anartaxius <
> anartax...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> **
>  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ann" <awoelflebater@...> wrote:
> > Ok, that was silly. I went to your link and typed in some text. I made
> it longer and played with the percentage to keep or edit. All it did was
> randomly leave in or take out stuff. I don't get why you need a program to
> do this. Many of us do it naturally by the way we read, which is often
> sloppy or, because of pre-conceived notions about things, we fail to take
> in half of what anyone is actually saying. All of us are text compactors
> already and I don't think it benefits us all that much. I don't require a
> computer to do it FOR me!
> This kind of software is designed to produce 'executive summaries', and
> well designed programs do not use random selection. However the sample of
> Robin's was huge, and the compression was to about 5% which is really far
> too much. Normally you get reasonable results with 25% to 50% compression.
> Some manual editing might be needed. The software works better if the
> original document has a well defined structure.
> 'After text is placed on the page, the web app calculates the frequency of
> each word in the passage. Then, a score is calculated for each sentence
> based on the frequency count associated with the words it contains. The
> most important sentence is deemed to be the sentence with the highest
> frequency count.'
> 'Obviously, human readers may disagree with this automated approach to
> text summarization. Automated text summarization works best on expository
> text such as textbooks and reference material (non-fiction). The results
> can be skewed when a passage has only a few sentences. Text Compactor is
> not recommended for use with fiction (i.e., stories about imaginary people,
> places, events).'
> As the result with that post was not particularly good, I conclude Robin
> and his exposition is the result of an imaginary person writing about
> imaginary places and events, though Ann and Curtis seem reasonably real.
> But of course I can't be sure. Everyone on this forum is just text on a
> screen to me.

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