--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "emptybill" <emptybill@...> wrote:
> Mental silence is the opposite of relentless internal dialogue.
> However, without the use of internalizing conceptuality, we
> would be left to grunt our emotions in a quasi-verbal language.
> Mentation and language co-inhere in human experience, as does
> the silence with underlies it.  Awareness witnesses both while
> Consciousness (Chit or Chitta) in all its varieties maintains all
> these forms of duality - including the super-duality between
>   duality and non-duality
> Consider abandoning your Awareness. Who needs it?
> Sound good?

Established in Being, Silent Awareness, Pure Consciousness, Unbounded Awareness 
in the field of boundaries (whatever tag fits an abstract concept) one performs 
action, thinking, feeling, conceptualizing and going about one's business while 
identifying with That. "I am That" (Eternal, Infinite, Silent Awareness) does 
not identifying with the restless internal dialogue, so characteristic of the 
noisy bullshit stories one tells one's small "s" self. Consider Silent 
Awareness witnessing small self grunting and there you have it, a story free of 
bullshit. Sound good?    

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> > Doc says, "A foundation in PC is a foundation in silence, whereas a
> foundation in ego, is a foundation in stories." That sounds about right
> to me. Anything that isn't silence is just another bullshit story about
> what enlightenment is or is not, whether you call it enlightenment or
> not.
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/344662

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