"Ego" (New Latin - circa 1789 A.D.) is from the Latin word meaning "I".
By returning to the meaning of the good English word "I", most of the
b.s. disappears - such as using the English word-article "the"
in front of the word "ego".

Maharishi's idea of the expansion of the "I" to cosmic dimensions is not
founded upon Shankara's Kevala Advaita but rather upon the teaching of
Kashmiri Shaivism.  It is this teaching about Shiva's "Aham" (I)
contracting through Anava mala to become the illusioned and powerless
individual (anu) and then expanding to realize it's real status as
Shiva that is the source of this idea. He received this view from Swami
Lakshman Joo and not from SBS.

That is why SCI has little to do with Shankara's Advaita. This is
likewise true of MMY's Rig Veda bhasya which reads like Kashmiri
Shaivism couched in psycho-quantum mechanics.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@...  wrote:

> Here's a question:Â  if the ego has expanded to cosmic level, which
is what Maharishi explained, then what does it mean to be egocentric?!
> I was using 'egocentric' as a shorthand for the identification with
the small self. A sense of self, or ego, must exist. Nothing wrong with
Cosmic Ego. The difference comes with which ego we are identifying with,
the small, egocentric one, or the Cosmic Ego, unbounded and universal.
> Remember MMY's talk on "Identification", that when we gaze into a
flower, we get lost in the flower, losing our identity in the flower? It
is like that. There is no way to get *lost* in the identification of the
small self, and still retain the awareness of Cosmic Ego. The two cannot

> **On the one hand, this statement that we are all enlightened, is
true, in terms of everyone's potential. However, the way in which it is
commonly used, is as a fiction. It is as if I handed you an avocado, and
charged you $100,000 - $2 for the avocado, and $99,998 for the
full-sized tree, residing latent in its seed.
> So as a Rah, Rah, feel-good statement, yeah, we are all enlightened.
As a practicality, the tree is still within the avocado, so it only
costs two bucks.

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