So - real funny huh - this incident with your brother? I suppose even blood relations do not matter when it comes to making yourself look good over others - narcissistic? sociopathic? sadistic? What needs to be done to make you see this reality of yours - this sickening sadistic, sociopathic streak?

Can you see it - your behavior for the last 2 weeks? This relentless obsession on Judy, on Robin, as if by repeating lies over and over again you can manipulate reality, manipulate truth. How repulsive and disgusting - May the existence have mercy on your soul.

On 6/30/13 9:52 PM, turquoiseb wrote:

--- In <>, doctordumbass@... <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Interesting thread from the past, Richard: So, Barry
> punched his brother very hard in the stomach, to stop
> him from beating up a neighbor, after the brother beat
> up his Dad. Then you have Barry with his anti-social
> tendencies, who is only prevented from physical abuse,
> by the distance between his keyboard, and those he hates.
> One word: DNA.

LOL. But I'll react to it the way Robin should have:

"Yes, I struck my brother. It wasn't a punch, it was
a short, focused 'shuto' strike to the solar plexus
that left him sitting on the floor gasping for air
for several minutes, but I struck him.

"I felt it was appropriate at the time, because he
had just beaten up our 70-year-old father and was
trying to do the same with a 70-year-old neighbor,
screaming that "You people don't even EXIST." I
felt that it was appropriate to remind him that
we did, and that he was out of control.

"In retrospect, I could have accomplished the same
'reality check' with a straight jacket, as the
facility we had to check him into did, but I didn't
have one handy. Mea culpa."

Several words for Doc, paraphrasing his approach:
"Yes, I'm enlightened, and that makes me so much
better and more compassionate than the rest of
you who aren't!" :-) :-) :-)

> --- In <>, "Richard J. Williams" <richard@> wrote:
> >
> > > > My guess is we've all done wrong and or stupid stuff
> > > > at some point in our lives including lying and
> > > > physically hurting others even those we love. So I
> > > > vote for pragmatic and universal compassion.
> > > > Just to be clear, by pragmatic compassion I don't
> > > > mean the allowing of abuse. I mean something along
> > > > the lines of hate the wrong doing, have compassion
> > > > for the wrong doer but don't allow them to continue
> > > > wrong doing.
> > >
> > authfriend:
> > > I guess you're not talking about FFL, then, huh? Unless
> > > you have some magical formula that prevents wrongdoers
> > > from continuing their wrongdoing.
> > >
> > > As to "physically hurting others," I suggest you speak for
> > > yourself. My own guess is that most of us have managed to
> > > avoid physical violence, to those we love as well as to
> > > those we don't.
> >
> > Barry hit his brother in the solar plexus?
> >
> > "That was a general-purpose rap that had nothing
> > to do with my brother. It was about the silly
> > solipsist wannabees on this forum and about solip-
> > sists in general."
> >
> >
> >
> > > > For yourself, steer clear of abusive behavior and
> > > > do what's necessary to protect those who aren't
> > > > able to protect themselves.
> > >
> >

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