--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "emilymae.reyn" 
<emilymae.reyn@...> wrote:
> Share, you are completely missing the point and
> changing the context up.  Judy is not commenting
> on the "upset between you and Robin" - what goes
> down privately between the two of you is private.

To be fair to Share, Emily, I *had* just got done
commenting on the *public* upset between the two
of them, what had happened on FFL in the month that
led up to Share's inexcusable accusation. This was
in response to her attempt to excuse herself for her
refusal to apologize (claiming to Xeno that I was
"using that issue...in an unhealthy way"). She had
characterized the issue in a manner that did not
reflect the reality, to say the least (speaking of
"unhealthy"), and I set the record straight about
what had actually gone on in public between them.

Of course Robin and Share's private contacts are
their business. What Share has never quite seemed to
grasp is that what a person posts to a public forum
becomes the business of everyone who reads that

> What she and I also were commenting on was your
> irresponsible behavior on this public forum with
> respect to how "stuck" you were in automatically
> and steadfastly repeating an accusation of major
> proportion about someone publicly that you refused
> to back up or explain or discuss and which had no
> basis in anything ever posted here by Robin to you.
> Irresponsible.

Well said.

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