Actually I'm neither right-wing nor left-wing - I'm happy to leave that
kind of dualistic thinking to the unenlightened. If anything, I'm
closest to being anti the state in my approach to politics, so on the
political right I enjoy those conservative writers who oppose the
encroaching nanny state and on the political left I'm a big fan of those
old anarchist theoreticians (and I'll give a nod to the hippies also).
If over your side of the pond you call someone with views like mine a
"right-wing fundamentalist" then that's what I am! The terminology is
misleading though.
But re your comment "Why you care enough about this subject" : because I
care about justice!  What would you think of someone who couldn't give a
shit if Zimmerman was convicted or not?

--- In, "Ann"  wrote:

> "Childish rants" appears to be what this post of yours is. It not only
earmarks you as right wing but rather fundamentalist in the worst kind
of way, not to mention insulting as a result of others not agreeing with
your viewpoints. I don't think any TM checking could cure you of any of
these afflictions either. Why you care enough about this subject enough
to demonstrate these unsavoury characteristics you evidently possess is
one of those mysteries of life. We've got a couple of assholes here
already, I guess another one won't hurt.
> >

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