--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <authfriend@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Susan" <wayback71@> wrote:
> >
> > I too have cyber friends,
> I'm sure you do.
> > but I don't spend hours and hours for many many months
> > "defending" them.
> How many cyber friends do you have who have been the focus
> for months and months, mostly in their absence, of all kinds
> of false and unfair attacks and comments from a bunch of
> people on an electronic forum seemingly bent on portraying
> them as a monster?

To help answer these questions, as a "learning aid"
for wayback and Steve on how to "act morally" and
"stick to the facts", Judy-style here are some facts:

Curtis last posted to this forum on May 7, 2013. 
Since that time, he has been mentioned -- almost
always negatively -- in the following number of
posts by the following people:
Judy - 35
Ann - 44
Doctordumbass - 52
Ravi - 60
Willytex - 8

Vaj last posted to this forum on Aug 25, 2012. 
Since that time, he has been mentioned -- almost
always negatively -- in the following number of
posts by the following people:
Judy - 54
Ann - 17
Doctordumbass - 33
Ravi - 66
Willytex - 27

Sal Sunshine last posted to this forum on Aug 25, 2012. 
Since that time, she (tracked by Judy's insulting pet
name for her "Stupid Sal" to avoid confusion with 
"Sal/Salyavin") has been mentioned -- almost always 
negatively -- in the following number of posts by 
the following people:
Judy - 18
Ann - 2
Doctordumbass - 1
Ravi - 14
Willytex - 1

In other words, it's *OK* for Judy and her friends
to obsess on the people *they* don't like, long after
they've left this forum, but if others do it to Robin,
that's bad.

Can you spell  H Y P O C R I T E ?  I think you can...

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