Just to reply for my grandfather's sake, not Bob's or #2 Bitch's :-),
he did work with Einstein, as did half of the theoretical physicists
in America, on the *theoretical* side of the physics involved in
the Manhattan Project. Neither of them were ever in New Mexico
to my knowledge, and neither ever worked on the practical side
of blowing people up. Their theoretical work was read and utilized
by the build-it guys. Which would have suited my grandfather
just fine, because he was a Quaker.  :-)

As for the Bobster, both Curtis and I wrote him off long ago, and
nothing he has posted since (the little of it I've skimmed, that is)
has convinced me that anything has changed. If he's you're idea
of an intellectual giant, I have even less respect for you than before.

As for your dreams of me, that's just fuckin' pathetic. I *never*
dream of anyone on FFL. I don't like interacting with many of
them on the physical plane, much less fucking up my dreams
with them.  :-)


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com>

Ann opines:
> Bob Prices' later post which I just read before
> bothering to respond to you is FUN. Maybe you
> better go and read that a few times, Pinocchio.
> Now that man can deliver and he often has his
> facts straight. You don't want to mess with him,
> and you know it. If you want to give me some
> real FUN, I would love to see you engage him
> one on one - go ahead, I really, really dare you.

Not gonna happen. Bob's a troll, and a grudge-
holding one at that. If you're looking for
someone to knock you out of the #2 Bitch position,
he *is* a likely candidate, but I'm not gonna
interact with him. If that's your idea of fun,
you go for it. :-)
Dear  Barry, I was afraid you were going to decline the opportunity to
engage  with Mr Price. Of course, I don't blame you. But I am in a
position of  "safety" because he is an official member of the MGC of
which I am also a  member so he has to be nice to  me but if I wasn't in
the same club I wouldn't take him up on any  intellectual or moral or
experiential challenges either. You are a wise  man, Barry; my advice is
to try and stay clear of Bob. He seems to be  one of those underhanded
types who does his research, can back it up and  is not afraid to let
you know when you've made an error. And he often  accompanies his
'corrections' with funny youtube videos to embellish his  point. All in
all a formidable character and if I'm not careful he will  probably try
and move his way into the top MG position of which I am  rather fond so
that would irk me a little if he were to usurp me in any  way.
Now,  if you change your mind about engagement with BP, I will be the
first  to congratulate you on your decision and I would love to purchase
front  row tickets. (BTW, I think you were a tad off base to have called
him a  "troll". That term is just so, well, pedestrian.)
BTW,  I had a dream about you the night before last. You were rather
loving  in that dream although it did not involve sex. But you did
insist on  cuddling up to me and I was wondering if you were including
me in some  lucid dream experiment so I went along with it at the time.
Then, I  realized the time differences between our countries would not
have made  that likely (as likely as that scenario in the dream actually
was, which  wasn't very).

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