--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, AnnTheClueless wrote:
> I think Share (hi Share) is having a lot of fun with this 
> and to me there is nothing that "fun" about it. She seems 
> to be acting like it is not only a joke but is taking 
> pleasure in the discord and adding to it in only the way 
> she can. 

Sorta the way YOU do when you "pile on" to the "get
Share" fests, eh?

> Barry is doing the usual which is to apparently not close 
> his eyes to even sleep while there is a chance to "get" 
> Judy and keep adding imaginary fuel to the fire. Xeno 
> quoting Shakespeare is a small reprieve however. But I 
> am sensing a tad bit of sadism in our dormouse, which 
> I had not seen before. The fact that our alleged 'victim' 
> of PR is "having fun" right now is revelatory.

As you're doing right now, in fact.

What you're missing is the delicious irony of all this.
The person who has called more people "Liar!" than 
anyone else in Internet history got peeved that anyone
would even infer such a thing about *her*, and threw
a tantrum. She declared that she would never have any
discussions with the offending person until he either
documented his inference or retracted it. He did 
neither, and in effect *thanked* her in advance for
no longer bothering him with her "discussions."

She went fuckin' CRAZY, first backpedaling to claim
that her statement didn't mean that she couldn't 
"comment" on his posts, and then set forth to make
several posts in which she addressed him directly
and tried to provoke a reply, clearly an attempt at 

In other words, the person who *specializes* in 
calling other people "liars" on this forum PROVED

I'd call that "fun." You, caught up in your Mean
Girl crush on the only person on the forum bitchier
than you, can call it whatever you want. :-)

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