So, since the TM bija mantras came from the Adi Shankara, passed down through Shantanand Saraswati, and are included in the supreme scripture of the Sri Vidya, the Saundaryalahari, we can conclude that the Mahesh Yogi probably got the TM bija mantras from his Master, Swami Brahmananda Saraswati. James Duffy and Billy Smith.

"Bija mantras issued by TM are ''Sri Vidya'' bija mantras. To be fair, I won't go into what they are, but if one listens to all TM mantras, except for 2, they are 2 or 3 syllable, and this is a very important component of the technique."

From: Billy Smith
Subject: Re: Guru Dev and "Sri Vidya"
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: 2003-04-22 13:20:33 PST

On 10/9/2013 8:32 AM, iranitea wrote:

---In, <> wrote:

Iranitea wrote:

    > Judy:
    > "Shut up, Richard. I'm not disputing anything."
    > She's just such a sweetie, isn't she?

(Yawn) But it's perfectly OK for Richard to accuse me of
disputing facts and misleading folks when he knows I was
doing no such thing. Right, iranitea?

Yes you are misleading folks. Even though Richie got many details wrong, or formulated them in a strange and freaky way, (he is actually funny), he's got many of the fundamentals absolutely right,while you seem to be in big denial there.

Your arguments, quoting collected papers, do nothing to elucidate the origin of TM. That is, Richard, though not being accurate, actually provides facts and important clues, he provides INFORMATION, while you provide none of that.

The other's here, who criticize him, do so, because he provides infos THEY already know - but which are not talked about officially. To say, for example that he doesn't provide any reliable information is just misdirection on your part. And can you tell me: why doesn't the oh so scholarly article of Domash, provide any of the fundamental informations, that we are talking about here? Didn't he know, or didn't he want to speak about this? Because to say that the mantras are common place in India is not really in the interest of the movement, right?

Richard wrote:

    > > It
    > > sure is looking like the authfriend
    > > is disputing the fact that Swami Karpatri was a member
    > > of the Sri
    > > Vidya sect. Now, why would she do that and mislead us
    > > about the
    > > SBS affiliations with Sri Vidya? Obviously if Swami
    > > Karpatri was a
> > Sri Vidya he learned it from his guru SKS. Go figure.

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