Iranitea wrote:
> Judy:
> "Shut up, Richard. I'm not disputing anything."
> She's just such a sweetie, isn't she?

(Yawn) But it's perfectly OK for Richard to accuse me of
disputing facts and misleading folks when he knows I was
doing no such thing. Right, iranitea?

Richard wrote:
> >    It
> > sure is looking like the authfriend
> >        is disputing the fact that Swami Karpatri was a member
> > of the Sri
> >       Vidya sect. Now, why would she do that and mislead us
> > about the
> >       SBS affiliations with Sri Vidya? Obviously if Swami
> > Karpatri was a
> >       Sri Vidya he learned it from his guru SKS. Go figure.

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