Thanks, Ann, I trust most of the posters here and or enjoy their posts. 


---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote:

 Share, take a moment and have a care. You are moving into some dangerous 
territory for yourself as an individual and as a human being. Be careful that 
you do not use the mistaken and erroneous notions of your faux friend Barry and 
your well-intentioned but not-really-helping-you associate Feste to launch into 
this head space of yours. I don't think it is a healthy one or somewhere that 
is characterized by what is real or what is true.

 ---In, <sharelong60@...> wrote:

 Judy first ran her number on me on Sept 9, 2012. She said that I did such and 
such in my post to RWC. She did not qualify with in my opinion or it sounds 
like or even I think. Of course she didn't ask me if I was doing such and such. 
She just declared that I did such and such as if she could see inside my head 
and know, without error, what I had been thinking and feeling. I had never 
experienced someone communicating like that. It was like a foreign language and 
as such, I didn't even know how to respond. 

I've come to think that no matter what anyone says, Judy will not change. In 
fact, I've come to think that she likes it when she has to fight with everyone.

 On Saturday, November 30, 2013 8:19 AM, TurquoiseB <turquoiseb@...> wrote:
   Because, despite my nearly two decades of trying to educate people --
 first on alt.meditation.transcendental and now on Fairfield Life -- as
 to what a LIE is, I find many of them still confused. Because it is my
 God-given duty and dharma to be the Keeper Of The Truth, I felt I should
 write a short manifesto explaining to these retards what exactly a LIE
 is, so they can recognize when they're doing it, and thus LYING.
 * Disagreeing with me on *any* subject about which I am posing as an
 expert -- even if they have experienced the phenomenon or SoC or events
 being discussed and I have only read about them or heard about them --
 is a lie. I am RIGHT, and they are WRONG, and to be WRONG is to LIE.
 * Holding a different opinion of me, my behavior, and the motives for my
 behavior than I hold is a LIE. I *know* The Truth about myself, my
 behavior, and my motives, and if they hold a different view, and express
 it despite my corrections, they're LYING.
 * Saying something negative about someone I regard as a friend (even
 though I've never met them and never will) or as an ally (the enemy of
 my enemy is my friend) is a LIE. I will defend these allies to the
 death, and make excuses for *their* LIES with the same vehemence with
 which I put down the LIES of those who persecute them.
 * Saying something positive about someone I view negatively is by
 definition a LIE. The very fact that they don't see this person the way
 I see them reveals how REEAALLLY REEAALLLY STOOOPID they are, and how
 smart and superior I am. If they persist in viewing these hooligans
 positively in the face of my corrections, they're LYING, pure and
 * Suggesting that *I* have LIED is even more by definition a LIE,
 because as we all know, I DON'T LIE. I have declared this, so it is
 TRUE, and never to be contradicted. I am the ONLY person on this forum
 who cares about The Truth, as well as the ONLY person who *knows* The
 Truth. Challenge this at your own peril, you LIARS!
 * Claiming that I "persecute" or "harass" people by posting literally
 hundreds of posts ragging on them per year -- year after year -- is a
 LIE. I am merely pursuing my dharma, which is to be the Keeper Of The
 Truth. They *deserve* my invective and my continued attention; I am
 trying to *help* them by revealing to them what big, fat LIARS they are,
 and trying to help them see The Truth. Which is that they should always
 agree with me, of course.
 * Whenever I criticize or make negative comments about someone, these
 things should be viewed as The Truth that they are. Challenging them or
 disagreeing with them is by definition a LIE. Furthermore, when I say
 these things about someone else, that person *owes me* a point-by-point
 response to all the things I *know* about them because these things are
 The Truth. When someone says something negative about me, I owe them
 nothing but to call them what they are -- a LIAR. See my responses to
 Richard for the template.
 * Laughing at me and my behavior is a particularly insidious form of
 LIE. I *know* The Truth, About Almost Everything, and so my words must
 be treated with the level of respect and awe I expect. Anything less is
 a kind of implicit LIE, a suggestion that I don't really *know* the
 things I claim to know, and that I'm just spouting opinion, like
 everyone else here. I am NOT like everyone else here; I'm better,
 smarter, and always RIGHT. Dispute this in any way, and you're LYING.
 * Finally, writing something and attributing it to me as if I had
 written it -- no matter how accurate it is -- is by definition a LIE.
 Ignore the fact that I have failed to condemn several of my allies (for
 example, Robin, Ravi, Jimbo, and others) when they have done this to
 other people. They were *justified* in doing this to these other LIARS,
 because *I DON'T LIKE THEM*. But when someone does this to me, it's a
 LIE of the basest sort.
 [ For the record, the above was *not* written by Judy Stein. It was
 written in a Dutch pub just for fun by someone channeling her, and
 saying what she would say if she were actually capable of telling The
 Truth she claims to care so much about. ]




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