On 1/3/2014 12:11 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

 > Okay, I'm corrected on the second point. Thanks.
So, let's review what we know:

Mary dated Jesus for a number of years. They killed Jesus and hung him 
on a tree. Mary buried Jesus in Joe's tomb. Jesus was raised from the 
dead; he ascended up in the sky to his Father; Mary saw the risen 
Christ, she spoke with him first - she was the one who told everyone 
else about the Ascended Master. Jesus appeared to Paul on the road to 
Damascus, up in the sky in a blinding light. Jesus appeared to many of 
his followers and he hovered supernaturally up above a whole crowd of 
500 people.

Then Jesus Christ ascended back up to his Father's place up in the sky, 
to sit down at His right hand in heaven.

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