Nobody is said in the Bible to have seen the actual resurrection, as you know.
 > Nobody is said in the Bible to have seen the actual resurrection, as you 
 > know.
You are mistaken. Mary Magdalene saw the actual resurrection. She saw 
 Jesus die and then she saw him rise from the dead. She was the first one 
 to see the resurrection. She was there, she saw it, she was the one 
 chosen by Jesus to witness the resurrection. Mary. The first one. I know 
 she saw it - she said so in the Bible.
 "As Mary Magdalene and "the other Mary" were running from the empty tomb 
 to inform the disciples that he is alive, Jesus tells the women to 
 instruct the disciples to go to Galilee ahead of him to greet him" 
 (Matthew 28:10).
 "Resurrection is the concept of a living being coming back to life after 

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