John, that makes sense. Whenever the squirrels look especially plump in autumn, 
I figure we're in for a very cold winter. But I wonder how they compensate when 
the temps are wildly fluctuating, as they have been this winter. Yesterday I 
actually went outside without gloves! If I did this today, I'd probably lose 
some digits!

On Sunday, January 5, 2014 11:19 AM, "" <> 

IMO, in the past farmers used to look at the animals' furs to determine how the 
winter temperature would be like.  So, before the start of this winter, the 
animals in your region of the country may have had a very thick growth of hair 
in preparation for this winter. :)

But, in this modern times, there are weather data from NOAA and other 
government agencies which can be used for weather predictions through 
complicated mathematical simulations.  If they ever invent the quantum 
computer, weather prediction should become an exact science.

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