
 What we're seeing in the economic and political fronts is the power of human 
consciousness in its attempt to solve the problems in the world today.  For 
example, the US Federal Reserve officials attempted to use the available 
resources and financial tools to stabilize the US and world economy.  So far, 
they've managed to improve the economy through its Quantitative Easing (QE) 
program by buying US bonds in the world market.

 I originally thought that this would eventually lead to high inflation.  But 
so far it hasn't.

 The next hurdle will be this coming February when the US will again reach its 
debt limit.  The politicians will again have to debate whether to raise the 
debt limit or not.  It's obvious to me that the debt limit must be raised.  But 
Senator Cruz and his Tea Party members may have other ideas which can disrupt 
the government operations and the eventual collapse of the stock market.

 On a positive note, since Jupiter will eventually enter its exaltation sign in 
Cancer this summer, the collective world consciousness should change for the 
better which should alleviate the tensions that we're experiencing now.  At 
least, that's the positive forecast that we can see using jyotish analysis.

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