But you were never initiated into the practice. You obviously didn't get the humor siddhi either. :-D

On 01/12/2014 01:11 PM, emptyb...@yahoo.com wrote:

Actually, you have no idea what you are talking about
As you know, I had a ritvikâcharya teach me mahârudrâbhishekam. Over a period of 5-6 years he also imparted much of the Vedika view of values. According to him, the Tantrika view was that the universe was actualized by limitless shakti-s that structured its being, patterns and interactions.

The only thing he wouldn't yield about was teaching me the mechanics of agni-hotra (although he performed one for me at the installation of my shiva-lingam). I believe he considered me too far from being a renouncer and therefore prone to get into trouble with an agni-hotra ... all because if done properly, the yajñamana receives the results quickly and decisively.

You also forget that I have a Vajrayana Tantric and Dzogchen teacher. Certainly different practices but when he first saw my altar he pointed to the traditionally carved shiva lingam and commented “original Tantra”.

All this means that your evaluation is a parody of a Willy-ism - which is as much value as I can give it.

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