In chanukistan they proly prefer live and let live. I figure it is the French 
influence - bend over and take it in the end. 

However, sometimes I have to remind the frothing critters that I don't make 
this stuff up but rather advance a traditional view of spiritual life i.e. 
advaita, tantra, dzogchen. 

 Whether you like, dislike, accept or, reject is incidental to me since you 
just make it up anyway. You have no basis to evaluate these teachings because 
you are not trained in them. Your assessment that they are based upon pride is 
just more self-referenced me since it implies that you are an oracle 
uniquely qualified to assay my intent. It ain't necessarily so but so what?   . 

 Perhaps you have become the new World Teacher. 

 Robin would be so proud.

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