---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <emptybill@...> wrote:

 In chanukistan they proly prefer live and let live. I figure it is the French 
influence - bend over and take it in the end. 

However, sometimes I have to remind the frothing critters that I don't make 
this stuff up but rather advance a traditional view of spiritual life i.e. 
advaita, tantra, dzogchen. 

 Whether you like, dislike, accept or, reject is incidental to me since you 
just make it up anyway. You have no basis to evaluate these teachings because 
you are not trained in them. Your assessment that they are based upon pride is 
just more self-referenced emotion.to me since it implies that you are an oracle 
uniquely qualified to assay my intent. It ain't necessarily so but so what?   . 

 Oh silly prideful not-so-empty-as-you-would-like-to-think, I was talking about 
YOU not the teachings. You are the guy who feels so chuffed, so full of himself 
because you think you know better and deeper what others do not. Is this part 
of the result that these teachings hope their alumni are able to portray as 
aptly and strongly as you do? My assessment has nothing to do with what your 
teachers know. It has to do with how you come across all holier than thou and 
twice as smart. But, for me, your long years of setting up altars and lingams 
and burying your nose in books means nothing because you still come across like 
some ivory tower dwelling know-it-all who is uptight, persnickety and 
humourless. My call: you take yourself way too seriously and you get a little 
mean when your expertise is questioned.

 Perhaps you have become the new World Teacher. 


 Not yet.

 Robin would be so proud.


 Au contraire, mon frere. He likes me just the way I am - in ignorance, real 
and true.

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