In fact, Robin was one of the more gentlemanly FFL posters. But Stevie and 
Barry are right up there at the top of the boor list. (Oh, and Richard, but 
nobody pays much attention to him except Share, who is herself no slouch in the 
boor department.)

 << Right now the boor meter is running pretty high on FFL with all this boring 
Robin talk.  Robin was a boor so no wonder. ;-)  >>
 On 02/10/2014 12:23 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
   --- In, 
"TurquoiseB" wrote:
 > What is she going to do when *no one* falls for her tarbaby act any
 > more, and allows themselves to get sucked into an argument with her 
 > just because she wants one?
 > I predict panic.
 Fairfield Life Post Counter
 Start Date (UTC): 02/08/14 00:00:00
 End Date (UTC): 02/15/14 00:00:00
 304 messages as of (UTC) 02/09/14 23:44:16
 67 authfriend
 Given an estimated 12-hour "posting day," that's 2.8 posts per hour. Are we 
looking at another "record posting week" for the Judester?  :-)
 Then again, look on the bright side. Maybe she'll follow her cult leader's 
lead and post a 13,000-word manifesto *demanding* that people argue with 
her...or else. And we all know what comes after that. Something to look forward 



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