On 2/10/2014 9:07 PM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:
I guess it just solidifies my belief that human beings don't like to be thrust into the unknown - it seems to make them cranky and disagreeable.
Anyone who reads Robin's posts would be upset because he is so honest in his opinions - you'd think Robin was telling the brutal truth - to wake you up from your metaphysical slumber. Some people just can't take the truth very gracefully and sometimes they even resent it - they make up ways to protest the truth, saying it was just a parody, an irony, a joke. They just can't take the truth even when the truth is staring them right in the face. Go figure.

The truth is, truth can't be put into words, so we tell half-truths or lie just to shock and hoodwink people - it's an old Sufi trick.

"And then I as if woke up. The spell was broken. I knew myself to have always existed. All my suffering, all my strivings, time, space, personal history was but a dream. There had never been anything but the light of consciousness. I had never been born nor would I ever die. Something disappeared forever, and I later came to know what that was. Something continued to form the apparent boundaries of Robin but the ego that had previously had so much to say about my sensation and experience of the world was now the individuated expression of what was the unmanifest reality of God." - Robin Carlsen

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