---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote:

 Yes, Rick invited him. He'd been posting comments on John Knapp's (now Mike 
Doughney's) TM-Free blog before that.  And of course I never said he was 
writing "for posterity."

 And yes, that's my understanding, that he considered it an exercise for his 
own benefit, to interact with other TMers and former TMers after his 25 years 
of seclusion. He made that clear in his posts. Gutsy move, knowing many of the 
participants would be aware of his disastrous past. 

 Yuppers, you got that right. I always told him to stop posting here. I felt 
that it wasn't healthy or useful for him. I told him that some of the 
participants were vertitable "hyenas". But he kept asserting it was something 
he chose to do, as a sort of next step in his growth, his development. And you 
know what? I give him full marks for this. FFL is not the place for those who 
are overly sensitive or have not engaged in this type of internet battlefield 
before - because it is a sort of battlefield. FFL was my first experience of 
any sort of internet interaction. Robin described it as "smashmouth football". 
I loved that image. I hope this place fulfilled the role that Robin wanted it 
to. I hope that he was satisfied with whatever it was he wanted to accomplish 
here for himself. I hope it provided him with some wonderful connections (and I 
know it did, he came to appreciate and love at least 4 people here) and 
re-connections (me, who hadn't really thought about him for more than a 
nanosecond over the last 25 years, who never thought they would hear from him 
or of him again. What a trip!). I can only wish him well. And if this 
constitutes a cultish outlook, as Barry contends, then so be it. I feel very 
fortunate that I feel zero negativity toward Robin, that I only wish him 
Godspeed in his journey toward wherever it is he travels. To wish someone like 
him, who has carried the tremendous weight he has in his life, any less than 
this would be inhuman.

 As I understand it, Robin decided to venture onto FFL as a result of an 
invitation (from Rick?) and as an exercise, a sort of meta therapeutic 
venturing forth in the form of this internet forum. I don't think he had really 
investigated this type of format before other than for a few months on the alt. 
blahdadeblah (can't remember the name) forum. Judy will know all this history. 
But I don't think he wrote what he did at FFL for "posterity". This was pretty 
much an exercise for his own benefit. At least that is how I remember him 
talking about it. 

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