On 02/20/2014 07:17 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

On 2/19/2014 7:13 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
> The article is more about comment trolls than trolling on forums or
> groups.
There's a difference? Go figure.

I wouldn't even call what he is talking about "trolls". It's mainly goof-offs posting snarky comments and not trying to get anything started. There will be a few that will try to troll a comment section but most are off to another article to post snarky comments. Sometimes the snarky comments are funny and to the point and that wouldn't be trolling either. And of course Morford claims not to read the comments section as his solution (bet he does sometimes).

Sure, we get snarky posts here but then they will stick around to see if their "troll" worked.

> Mark maybe doesn't hangout in any groups or forums.
The description of a "troll" posted by the two Barry's and Judy don't
seem to match the one described in the report. Why do you suppose they
would be so insecure that they would post fibs about trolls on FFL?
Where is Dr Pete when we need him? Go figure.

"Sociopathic, sadistic, narcissistic, cruel by nature, highly unpleasant
to be around. They love to cause pain. They delight in ruining the
beautiful. The more pure and integrity-filled something is, the more
they enjoy corrupting it."


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