---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <turquoiseb@...> wrote:

 A post for those who claim to value the Truth. Here it is. Now get over your 
puny self. 

 "Puny" is so relative. If you're talking numbers and geography then, sure, 
certain things are smaller than others. A  single something is less than 
multiples of something but what you appear to fail to understand is that your 
viewpoint is as limited as you seem to be. The significance of "big" is so 
simplistic if you were to actually stop and think for one nanosecond, Bawwy. 
Big is not just about how many, it is about the power or effectiveness of even 
one tiny single thing. Big is about so much more than the statistics you posted 
here. And it is not about how important someone thinks they might be - this is 
your hangup, your spin. You're always trying to undermine, to belittle others 
because you assume things about them. You place your own prejudices firmly on 
other people; in other words, you make up shit. If you really stop and consider 
instead of blathering off at the mouth you might realize significance had 
absolutely nothing to do with what you are presenting us with. How about not 
posting crap anyone can cut and paste off Facebook next time.

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