Right,....; otoh, it took me a while (2-3 years), to realize that that what 
most TM'ers were calling "transcending" was MMY's "fuzzy transcendence", but 
does not match any of the Scriptures nor the experiential accounts of Masters 
of the great Traditions. Traditions.  What's lacking is the third eye opening 
along with crown chakra opening. Such experiences can be temporary: ("going 
into Samadhi") or apparently permanent and fully integrated into relative 
experience (e.g. Ramana Maharshi).  Recommended: the autobiographical 
statements of Ramakrishna's experiences.  He might be called the living (1836 - 
1886) embodiment of "going into Samadhi". He claims to have realized nondual 
"Brahman", but there are differences between his accounts and those of Ramana 
Maharshi, that should be resolved.  In any event, the "fuzzy transcendence" 
that many TM'ers experience appears to be (imo) a partial opening of the crown 
chakra but only rare experiences of 3-rd eye openings. ....The Ecstasy 
experienced by Christian Saints is altogether different than MMY's "Unity".  
Ecstasy is a type of Sidhi with interior characteristics along with suspended 
outer awareness; often accompanied by levitation, bilocation, etc.  Also, 
levitation does not automatically follow from "Pure Consciousness:", nor is 
there any rule that Realized Masters such as Ramana Maharshi would even desire 
such Sidhis.
 ...Another tradition in which "going into Samadhi' is a goal is Sant Mat.  
This is also called "rising above bodily awareness".  The individual 
temporarily drops (goes out of) the physical body, then after entering the 
astral plane, drops that body, then goes into the mental plane, dropping that, 
then the causal, then finally true "Samadhi".  This is a type NDE but without 
the physical death, although to observers, the persons body may appear to be 
 ... .

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