Barry, I think everyone here has noticed that this is how you talk about your 
experiences, including in this very post. 

 (Nice to see that you're reading Ann's posts these days, though.)

 Does anyone notice that there seems to be an *inverse* one-upsmanship going 
down here? More of a one-downsmanship: "If someone talks about experiences that 
don't match mine, *theirs* are wrong."  

 All that "Bawwy" did, after all, was to report his everyday experience, and 
point out that in the larger field of meditation sitting with a mind full of 
thoughts is NOT considered meditating at all. This is one of the reasons (only 
one, of many) why TM is considered a "beginner's technique" in most of these 

 But rather than accept that, and be comfortable with their own experience if 
it's made them happy so far, some TMers seem to feel the need to get all 
defensive, as if *their* experience (lost in thought most of the time, one has 
to assume) was the very *definition* of "right meditation," and anyone who 
describes some other experience must be showing off. 


 Sounds a little insecure and neurotic to me. After all, they could have 
discerned the possible truth of what I and many others on this forum have said 
about other forms of meditation simply by trying them. 


 Oh. I forgot. Couldn't do that. Maharishi would spank, and say "Off the 
program." Even though he's dead. Fascinating how long cult indoctrination can 
last, isn't it?   :-)

 From: "awoelflebater@..." <awoelflebater@...>
 Sent: Thursday, March 6, 2014 3:59 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: Funny article from the Guardian Newspaper about TM
 ---In, <s3raphita@...> wrote :

 Re transcending is a non-event and definitely not interesting.: Not 
interesting? Freud, Jung, Sartre and assorted behaviourists claimed that an 
experience of pure consciousness (awareness without an object) was impossible. 
So if pure awareness *is* a possible experience it blows such theories out of 
the water and is very suggestive indeed. It implies that we have a 
"Transcendental Ego" before - and after - we learn our role-play games. 
 I was amused back in the day when a friend of mine, a young woman, in my early 
days in the movement said to me one time that asking someone if they had ever 
had a clear experience of transcending was rather like asking someone if they 
had lost their virginity! There's definitely a hierarchy in place here: an "I'm 
more spiritual than you" one-upmanship role play going on!

 Yes and here at FFL when Bawwy gets going on about his "experiences" as if he 
deserves some sort of special status. Shall we all create some sort of award 
for him, do you think?



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