it couldn't have been to private if a reporter from the Fairfield Ledger was 
On Sat, 3/15/14, Share Long <> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Students inquire about pandits during forum    FF 
Ledger 3/14/14
 To: "" <>
 Date: Saturday, March 15, 2014, 6:35 PM
 that is exactly what I meant about the private point. The
 speaker could have used the word personal. Or maybe I'm
 just being too picky.
 I know that Rick has interviewed Hagelin on BATGAP and
 hosted his seminar at SAND. That is to whom I hope Rick
 passes on useful feedback from FFL.
 And though it was said indirectly, the meeting was private
 in that it was only for students and faculty.
      On Saturday, March
 15, 2014 1:16 PM, ""
       What did you mean by
 "my suspicions got aroused at that bit about it being
 private"? The only thing that was mentioned in the
 article as being private was the reason they decided Mishra
 had to go back to India. Nothing was said about the meeting
 the article reported on being
 And you did say you hoped Rick
 would pass on what's been said
 Why the
  misrepresentations, Share?
 Judy, at the end
 of what Rick posted, someone asked if there could be another
 meeting for those who weren't able to attend the first
 one. To discuss what happened, etc.
 I think TMers in town are entitled to such a meeting.
 I don't think Rick is
 passing on info. However, hopefully decision makers read
 FFL. I think good points are raised here. 
   On Saturday, March 15, 2014 12:27 PM,
 "authfriend@..." <authfriend@...> wrote:
  Wait. What "next
 meeting"? You mean the next meeting they have about
 whether to send a pundit back to India, or any pundit
 disciplinary matter? What are you talking about? What on
 earth makes you
 think you'd be entitled to attend such a meeting, let
 alone ask questions at it? It's none of your
 And to whom do you imagine Rick
 would be passing on what's been said here? Who do you
 think would be the slightest bit interested?
 salyavin, yes, my
 suspicions got aroused at that bit about it being private.
 I'm hoping the next meeting will be open to people like
 me and I'll attend and ask some questions. If not, then
 I'm hoping that Rick will pass on what's been said
 Just as I told turq that I don't expect
 100% certainty, nor do
  I expect 100% transparency. But imo, there is progress in
 that direction.
   On Saturday, March 15, 2014 11:05 AM,
 salyavin808 <> wrote:
 My response to what? I think Yagya's are a
 load of crap and I really think everyone involved should
 take a long hard look at what they are paying for:
 no, they can’t just walk to Walmart. They can walk around
 inside their campus; it’s about a square mile. If they
 were allowed to go everywhere, the
 distractions would no doubt interfere with their study and
 the smallest group size now since 2007,” he said.
 “We’re under 300 pandits. When the group is larger,
 there is more bliss, more wholeness.”
 Even Fred Travis agrees with me
 that the TMO shouldn't be selling something they
 haven't scientifically proved. I don't know what
 everyone is finding unreasonable about me pointing out that
 fact. If it works, prove it, if it doesn't let the poor
 guys go home so they can do something useful with their
 In any case:
 “Well, it was
 a minority,” said Goldstein. “We have been meeting with
 individual groups to find out what happened. We’re not
 talking about why.
 We want to take action. We did not arbitrarily make the
 decision to remove this one leader. It was a decision not
 made lightly. But it is private.”
 It looks
 like a giant step to not telling you anything to
 But at least somebody there
 asked why they should support it if it doesn't work.
 That's what you should be yowzering about. I don't
 care what people believe, I'm happy for them to believe
 anything at all but when it involves people from other
 countries being roped in and caged up, lest they get
 "distracted", that's when I start to worry.
 Especially when the people doing the hiring are supposedly
 devoted to science and finding out what's going on in
 the world. I hope people ask more questions about it, not
 just about this incident but about
  why they are there at all and if it is actually doing them
 or yourselves any good at all. 
 <sharelong60@...> wrote :
 Yowza! Talk about transparency! If
 this isn't a giant step in the right direction of
 healthy transparency, then I don't know what is. turq?
 salyavin? I
 would be interested in your responses to this.
   On Saturday, March 15, 2014 9:35 AM,
 Rick Archer <rick@...> wrote:
  Students inquire about pandits
 during forumWant to know what motivated
  violent outburstBy DIANE VANCE | Mar
 14, 2014Courtesy of: JOHN
 REVOLINSKIThis is an aerial
 view of the pandit campus in Maharishi Vedic City. A pandit
 is a student of traditional Indian law, rituals and
 philosophy. About 250 pandits, mostly from India, live at
 the pandit campus
 where they meditate and perform Vedic ceremonies with the
 aim of making the world more peaceful. On Thursday, students
 and faculty of Maharishi University of Management (a
 separate entity from the pandit campus) had a chance to ask
 questions about the pandits and the incident Tuesday morning
 in which a group of pandits attacked Jefferson
 County Sheriff Gregg Morton in his patrol vehicle. Morton
 was not harmed during the altercation.MAHARISHI VEDIC CITY — Tuesday
 morning’s events involving pandits in Maharishi Vedic City
 and the Jefferson County Sheriff constituted a perfect storm
 that was not anticipated, said John Revolinski,
 an administrator of the pandit campus.Revolinski and Bill Goldstein,
 spokesman of The Global Country of World Peace that runs the
 pandit campus, held a question and answer session for the
 Maharishi University of Management community at 3:15 p.m.
 Thursday at the dining hall.The meeting was called to address
 questions about a large group of pandits that surrounded
 Sheriff Gregg Morton’s law enforcement county vehicle,
 rocking it, trying to break off side mirrors and threw rocks
 that broke a rear window while he was in the
 vehicle.Morton called for law enforcement
 backup and several agencies responded while more pandits
 pushed down an entrance gate on their campus and walked onto
 170th Street. Law enforcement stayed
 on the scene for a few hours, without further
 incident.About 20 people, students,
 professors and staff, came and went during the 80-minute
 session.One audience member, who lives on
 the M.U.M. campus, said he was shocked to learn about the
 incident and wanted to know who stands
 accountable.“If the pandits are here
 specifically for peace, and this happens — where the
 county sheriff was at risk of injury — why should I
  continue to [financially] support the pandit program””
 he asked.Revolinski said he
 takes responsibility.“I didn’t call the
 sheriff, but other administrators who have been here longer
 than I have, recommended the sheriff be called as a
 preventive measure,” said Revolinski. “The sheriff was
 called one other time, more than a couple years ago. It was
 before I became an administrator with the pandits, so I
 don’t know the exact time.“The sheriff wasn’t called to
 protect us; we did not feel in danger,” he said. “It was
 a preventive measure that worked before as a deterrent. The
 presence of law enforcement the one other time had been
 successful.” Timeline snagThe perfect storm came about when
 Tuesday’s schedule went awry.“The administration had decided
 one of the pandit leaders had to be removed and sent back to
 India,” said Revolinski. “It was decided to pick him up
 at 6 a.m. [Tuesday] so it could be done before a lot of
 people were up and out. However, we couldn’t locate him
 until 6:30 a.m.”Revolinski said seven staff
 members were there, including him. The pandit, Vidya Shankar
 Mishra, was to get into a van and be driven to
 Chicago.“I had to leave the group and
 get his passport out of the
 office,” said Revolinski. “As I returned, he [Mishra]
 was being whisked into the van and it began
 driving away. I had to jump in a car and follow to hand-off
 the passport. We met up down by the Raj
 and I handed over the passport to the
 van.”He noted 30 to 50 fellow pandits
 gathered at the compound’s front gate as the van with the
 leader left.“I never felt threatened,”
 said Revolinski.Revolinski said he saw law
 enforcement vehicles massing and he drove back to the pandit
 compound.“I wasn’t there when the
 stone-throwing happened, but I was told about it and I
 didn’t realize the seriousness until the sheriff explained
 what he’d experienced,” said
 Revolinski. One incident in seven
 yearsGoldstein, who was not present
 either when the stone-throwing occurred, but came to the
 pandit campus on the northwest edge of Vedic City later
 Tuesday morning, said in the seven years of having the
 program here, there had never been such an
  incident.A pandit (pronounced pundit) is a
 scholar of traditional Indian law, rituals and philosophy.
 Pandits begin training in India as small boys sent to an
 ashram (a place of study) learning Sanskrit and Vedic
 scripture. They spend much of their day meditating and
 reciting Sanskrit sounds. They believe their meditations and
 Sanskrit recitations contribute to a more peaceful world.
 All of the pandits are men and most of them in Maharishi
 Vedic City are between
 the ages of 20 and 40.“The pandits were upset that one
 of their leaders was leaving,” said Goldstein. “We’ve
 had more than 2,600 pandits here throughout the seven years.
 They have been very well behaved. They are here on a peace
 project. We had one unfortunate day.”One M.U.M. student said no one has
 heard from the pandits.“It would be interesting to hear
 their side,” she said. “Why did it seem reasonable to
  to take such action?”Goldstein said currently there are
 250 pandits in the
 compound. It was a minority of the group, estimated to be 40
 or 50 pandits that milled out of the compound Tuesday and
 engaged in
 throwing rocks.“Actually, it was more like
 30,” said Revolinski.“Well, it was a minority,”
 said Goldstein. “We have been meeting with individual
 groups to find out what happened. We’re not talking about
 why. We want to take action. We did not arbitrarily make the
 decision to remove this one leader. It was a decision not
 made lightly. But it is private.” Pandits have a
 brotherhoodRevolinski said among the pandits
 is a cultural feeling of brotherhood.“Some of these guys have been
 together for decades,” he said. “Their group behavior
 might not be as shocking for them as it was for
 us.“We knew removing one of their
 leaders was not a popular move,” said Revolinski.
 “Groups can get a group dynamic going and their group
 dynamic got out of control.”Revolinski said life is moving on,
 and he has witnessed hugs and happiness among the pandits,
 but most are embarrassed about the
 incident.“They are not dwelling on it,”
 said Revolinski. “They got their way.”Administrators decided Tuesday
 morning to return
 Mishra, the pandit leader on his way to the airport, to the
 pandit campus for the time being.Goldstein said the pandits have
 rules and while the ideal is to create maximum harmony, they
 also have to understand they are accountable for their
 actions.“How or why or what consequences
 … we are working through that right now,” said
 Goldstein. “We are looking at what to
 do.” Why did it happen?M.U.M. student Luke Hillis said he
 would like to know why the pandits did what they
 did.“They didn’t get to say
 goodbye to their leader and felt righteous indignation,”
 said Revolinski. “Law enforcement was
 there.”M.U.M. professor Evan Finkelstein
 asked how administrators react to requests from
 pandits.“Is the way the administration
 interacts with the pandits making the pandits happy?” he
 asked. “Are they happy how requests are
 handled?”Revolinski said he didn’t know
 if the pandits’ actions Tuesday were the result of built
 up frustrations.“The amount of money hasn’t
 changed over the years, but
  inflation in India has risen, so yes,
 there might be frustrations, but not with the food,” said
 Revolinski.“They have a store on the pandit
 campus and each one gets so many credits to spend,” he
 said. “They can buy shoes, or a belt or a bag of
 chips.”Goldstein said the pandits know
 before coming to Iowa what the program set up is
 like.“The facilities here are quite
 nice, better than in India,” he said.Finkelstein asked if the pandits
 throwing rocks have a sense of the negativity about how the
 public views the
 situation.“They were horrified the media
 was there,” said
 Revolinski.He said he wanted to post the
 newspaper accounts of the incident in the pandits’ area,
 to show them community reaction, but others talked him out
 of it.“Can we help them understand how
 their behavior is looked at?” Finkelstein said. “It
 would be responsible for us to help with a reaction in terms
 of apologizing to the police and in terms of paying for
 damages.”“Let’s not get too patronizing
  pandits about their lives,” said Goldstein. “They have
 given their entire lives to this program
 and made great sacrifices to be pandits.“Maharishi [Mahesh Yogi, founder
 of the university] appreciated pandits
 and was gentle, treating them as precious. This type of
 non-verbal behavior may not be as serious in their
 culture,” said Goldstein.Another audience member said for
 pandits to express dissatisfaction by rock throwing provides
 indicates a lack of transparency in the
 administration.Goldstein said the program has
 layers of administration.“The pandits have their own
 administrators, then there’s what we call the Western
  administrators [such as Revolinski and others] and the
 ultimate authority is the Indian
 administrators,” said Goldstein. “The pandits even call
 the top pandit in India.“Transparency is one of the
 issues, one of
 the causes of having to send back the pandit leader
 [Mishra],” said Goldstein. “We have to feel all levels
 of administration are transparent and
 trusted.“While we may think of all the
 pandits here as Indian, and they are; it’s a very diverse
 country and this group is made up of men from all different
 parts of India, speaking different languages,” said
 Goldstein. Limited freedomM.U. M. student David George said
 the administrators must have been anxious
 there would be some unrest or else the sheriff would not
 have been called to stand by.“The feeling many students have
 is the pandit campus is like a prison,” said George.
 “Can you explain why they have limited
 freedom?”Maharishi’s instructions were to
 not westernize pandits, said Revolinski.“It is like their own world out
 there,” he said. “They have their own cultural
 festivals. They should feel like they are in
  their own ashrams in India.“They do like taking rides and
 we try to provide a few
 outings and create a supportive
 atmosphere.”He pointed out that about half the
 pandits at any given time are on a second tour of living in
 City.“Why would they sign up to
 return if they didn’t like it?” he
 said.“Would many like to interact
 with people more? Of course, they are human. But we do that
 to preserve their culture and not Americanize
 them.”“Freedom to do what?” asked
 Goldstein. “They can leave anytime and we’ll send them
 back to India. They are not forced to stay.“We have hundreds to a
 thousand here sometimes. How do we logistically take them
 all for an outing? We can’t let just one or three have the
 It’s better for their safety to not roam the countryside.
 They are not here as tourists.“They come here to be in Vedic
 performances,” said Goldstein. “We provide everything
 they need on site. Everything they need is available to them
 on their campus. If they have a legitimate need to go to
 town, they are allowed.“But no, they can’t just walk
 to Walmart. They can walk around inside their campus; it’s
 about a square mile. If they were allowed to go everywhere,
 the distractions would no doubt interfere with their study
 and reading.”Goldstein said each and every
 pandit signs a contract in India before
 traveling to Iowa. The contract specifies the rate of pay,
 $250 per month, with $150 sent back to their families in
 India, and the daily program.The Transcendental Meditation
 global community believes that more people meditating at the
 same time and place have more influence than if people
 meditate separately.The pandits meditate during the
 day at the same times as others gather in the golden domes
 at M.U.M. to meditate, to have a bigger impact of creating
 peace and harmony, first in each individual and spreading
 out into the community.“Out of all the massive
 coherence, how does this [Tuesday’s rock throwing]
 happen?” an audience member said, rephrasing the question
 on many lips Thursday. “I don’t really expect an answer,
 but it’s a quandary I have.”Revolinski said the bigger the
 group of pandits, the better
 coherence.“We’re at the smallest group
 size now since 2007,” he said. “We’re under 300
 pandits. When the group is larger, there is more bliss, more
 wholeness.”M.U.M. alumni director Anna Maria
 Cornell asked if more meetings such as the one Thursday
 could be held, because she knew of some people who wanted to
 attend and couldn’t.Goldstein said it could be
 arranged.“We’re still only a few days
 past the incident,” he said. “We are still figuring out
 what happened and what to
 do.”Revolinski said the financial
 costs of repairing the
 sheriff’s county vehicle would be handled by the pandit
 administration organization.

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