the part I loved but was not surprised at was the insinuation by Revolinski 
that the riot occurred because of the low number of pundits and yogic flyers - 
the larger the numbers the greater the coherence - in one toss of the dice he 
was courting the Marshy sez mindset that says all that crap about group 
coherence is true AND setting up the faithful to ask them for MORE money to 
bring more pundits over to be exploited.

What these jackasses are not addressing is that with the numbers currently on 
campus which the article says is 300, plus those in the Domes, so another maybe 
200? 500 yogic flyers each day. The town of Fairfield has a population of 9,476 
- so 500 would be about 5 and a half percent of the total population - that's 
way more than the square root of one percent that Marshy sez it takes to make a 
demonstrable difference. 

Just with 500 flyers there should be such bliss, such coherence in Fairfield 
that the farmers should be stacking their rifles in front of the MUM student 
union and begging to be initiated. But it just ain't so. 
On Sat, 3/15/14, TurquoiseBee <> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Students inquire about pandits during forum    FF 
Ledger 3/14/14
 To: "" <>
 Date: Saturday, March 15, 2014, 6:00 PM
       Thanks, Salyavin, for providing the rational voice as
 counterpoint to my admitted (and intentional)
 I suspect that a great number of new lurkers may be
 following these discussions here lately after the news
 reports, belatedly trying to figure out WTF they've
 actually been *contributing to* by paying for the pundit
 programs or yagyas because they believed in the magic
 word...let's face it..."Maharishisez" all
 these years. I think your reasoned and calm posts may do a
 lot to reach such people.
 My audience is more more ways than one. I freely admit to being
 over the top in some of my recent posts to push a few
 TB's hot buttons and encourage them to "act
 out," and thus demonstrate to the new group of both
 TM-related and non-TM-related lurkers (including the world
 press) following these posts exactly who and what they are.
 In my opinion, the more they focus on "shooting the
 messenger" by avoiding the message and trying to
 demonize and discredit the critics, the more they demonize
 themselves. And the more they self-identify as the cultists
 I believe they are.
 To their discredit, given TM's claims that it
 increases "creative intelligence," none of them
 yet seem to have realized this. 
 salyavin808 <>
  March 15, 2014 6:35 PM
  Subject: Re:
 [FairfieldLife] Students inquire about pandits during forum 
   FF Ledger 3/14/14
       You mean you weren't allowed
 Ask them why
 yagya's don't work. If I was to seriously count all
 the money I know has
 gone into the TMO on the basis of Marshy's say-so that
 that this is the greatest power we know of, I'd be here
 all day. I'm talking hundreds of thousands of pounds,
 for nothing. The most recent I can't even tell you about
 because I respect the sincerity of the people involved and
 it was for a very sick person - who obviously gained no
 benefit from the many thousands donated. But how about the
 two recent yagya's for Skelmersdale to get some land
 they were after for their new village? around £10,000 each!
 Did they work? No, of course not. And the list is
 your second question, why are they so expensive? $5000 at
 least for a health yagya! I know people who have had loads.
 Serves them right for
  being so gullible you might say, but look at the belief
 system supporting it, it even has ready made excuses for why
 they don't work and reasons why you're better off
 not asking for your money back!!!!! It's a masterstroke
 really, almost Blofeldian in it's
 I could
 think of more but you get the gist. Basically it's a
 cranky old belief system that Marshy typically made so very
 seductive; being able to buy prayers to get out of trouble.
 Surely the last refuge of the desperate. And even though it
 didn't even work it's still an article of faith.
 I never admire unswerving devotion because it means you
 never grow. Can't grow in fact. That is what the TMO
 became to me, not an evolving organisation but a staid and
 dogmatic cult of personality. But great fun to
 <sharelong60@...> wrote :
 salyavin, yes, my suspicions got
 aroused at that bit about it being private. I'm hoping
 the next meeting will be open to people like me and I'll
 attend and ask some questions. If not, then I'm hoping
 that Rick will pass on what's been said here. 
 Just as I told turq that I
 don't expect 100% certainty, nor do I expect 100%
 transparency. But imo, there is progress in that
   On Saturday, March 15, 2014 11:05 AM,
 salyavin808 <> wrote:
 My response to what? I think Yagya's are a
 load of crap and I really think everyone involved should
 take a long hard look at what they are paying for:
 no, they can’t just walk to Walmart. They can walk around
 inside their campus; it’s about a square mile. If they
 were allowed to go everywhere, the
  distractions would no doubt interfere with their study and
 the smallest group size now since 2007,” he said.
 “We’re under 300 pandits. When the group is larger,
 there is more bliss, more wholeness.”
 Even Fred Travis agrees with me
 that the TMO shouldn't be selling something they
 haven't scientifically proved. I don't know what
 everyone is finding unreasonable about me pointing out that
 fact. If it works, prove it, if it doesn't let the poor
 guys go home so they can do something useful with their
 In any case:
 “Well, it was
 a minority,” said Goldstein. “We have been meeting with
 individual groups to find out what happened. We’re not
 talking about why.
 We want to take action. We did not arbitrarily make the
 decision to remove this one leader. It was a decision not
 made lightly. But it is private.”
 It looks
 like a giant step to not telling you anything to
 But at least somebody there
 asked why they should support it if it doesn't work.
 That's what you should be yowzering about. I don't
 care what people believe, I'm happy for them to believe
 anything at all but when it involves people from other
 countries being roped in and caged up, lest they get
 "distracted", that's when I start to worry.
 Especially when the people doing the hiring are supposedly
 devoted to science and finding out what's going on in
 the world. I hope people ask more questions about it, not
 just about this incident but about why they are there at all
 and if it is actually doing them or yourselves any good at

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