Ah, salyavin, we have a crematorium theme going...
The Ganesh comment I think was made as a joke.

On Wednesday, March 26, 2014 1:45 PM, salyavin808 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> 

Actually, I don't think it was me wondering about Ganesh in the first place! 

I love Shakespeare actually and a lot of Modern stuff. I'm a big fan of 
Betjeman, archetypal Englishman you see. I just don't think we are talking 
about the same thing when you say "connection" King Tony's idea is that Indian 
vedic poems are fundamental to the brain and body, not just present but giving 
rise to them. I don't get it, something to do with rishi devata and chandas no 
doubt, but it's all gobbledygook to me. 

Here's a jolly little number about spring for you:

John Betjeman - Loneliness
The last year's leaves are on the beech:
The twigs are black; the cold is dry;
To deeps beyond the deepest reach
The Easter bells enlarge the sky.
O ordered metal clatter-clang!
Is yours the song the angels sang?
You fill my heart with joy and grief -
Belief! Belief! And unbelief...
And, though you tell me I shall die,
You say not how or when or why. Indifferent the finches sing,
Unheeding roll the lorries past:
What misery will this year bring
Now spring is in the air at last?
For, sure as blackthorn bursts to snow,
Cancer in some of us will grow,
The tasteful crematorium door
Shuts out for some the furnace roar;
But church-bells open on the blast
Our loneliness, so long and vast.  
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

Okey, dokey salyavin, but you were the one who was wondering about Ganesh. Go 

Why wouldn't there be a connection between your brain and an old poem?! Do you 
only get something from contemporary poets? Nothing from Shakespeare either?

On Wednesday, March 26, 2014 12:55 PM, salyavin808 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> 

I just didn't think the elephant/brain was a very convincing idea but it was 
the best in the book which is why everyone uses it as the first example, I 
don't think much of King Tony's ideas at all. If I'm going to read a book on 
human physiology I'll get one that's full of fascinating facts about the brain 
and what it does, there are tons of those. Wild speculation about Indian 
literature leaves me cold!

Would depend what you mean by vibration and resonance I suppose. Things vibrate 
for sure but is there an actual connection between things in my brain and a 
poem someone wrote 1500 years ago? I like my science empirical you see and the 
claim that the universe is fundamentally subjective or made out of 
consciousness makes no sense to me. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

Salyavin, for the sake of brevity, I only mentioned one example. There are lots 
more. Then it begins to look like more than just a coincidence. 

So you don't believe in vibration or resonance?! In the simplest terms that's 
all that's being claimed and recommended. 

But I'm with you
about Purusha. Though for me it would be Mother Divine. I love the relative and 
that's that!

On Wednesday, March 26, 2014 12:12 PM, salyavin808 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> 


You call them insights, I prefer hopeful coincidences. I remember the Ganesh 
illustration and thought the brain looks more like a cauliflower. To say it's 
an insight would mean it had some sort of profound meaning, he is claiming an 
awful lot for this. For instance, chanting sections of the ved is supposed to 
affect the part of the body where it resides. And it's supposed to affect it 
because of it's relationship with what is claimed to be a fundamental part of 
the universe - the ved itself. This ved is creating us. Apparently.

On a related note, I heard the ved while meditating once. Or rather experienced 
it, it was long before I'd heard of the concept or been to any TM courses or 
lectures so it came as a complete, and mindblowing, surprise
to suddenly have a nice meddy interrupted by the opening up of a vast, nay 
infinite, inner space and this loud, omnipresent humming noise. Only lasted a 
second but it made me jump out of my skin and I nearly fell off my chair.

To most people that would be a confirmation of King Tony's ideas, but not me. I 
get very wary when unrepeated experiences are held up to be something amazing 
like that. I have no idea what happened really but my rationalist instincts 
suspect it's just something the nervous system does at certain times that got 
incorporated into, or started the huge mythos we all know and love.

After discussing it with our local "raja" I was also told to go on Purusha 
where experiences
like that could stabilise and I'd become a rishi myself! Couldn't be bothered 
though, all those weird guys. Weirder than me some of them....

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <sharelong60@...> wrote :

salyavin, I think you were the one asking about Ganesh. Dr. Nader's insights 
begin on pg. 341 of his book on Veda and human physiology. Makes me appreciate 
his genius again. The illustrations clearly show the resemblance to the human 
brain and even specific parts: the
pons, medulla, cerebellum, trigeminal and other nerves. 

On Wednesday, March 26, 2014 9:59 AM, salyavin808 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> 

Yes, we have no religion.

The trouble with your interpretation is that it sounds like you want to have 
your cake and eat it. Best of both worlds. Trouble is, it isn't what he means. 
I read his first book of discoveries and the claim is that vedic literature is 
present in human physiology. Not a metaphor, actually present. And responsible 
for. He claims to have a one-to-one correlation between Indian stories and the 
human body. I bet I could find similar coincidences with, say, the works of 
Steven King. Just read the section on jyotish, all the planets have a direct 
connection to parts of the brain,
this is offered as an explanation for the "physics" of astrology but not all 
the planets are
represented because the ancients didn't know about anything beyond the orbit of 
Saturn due to them not having telescopes.

You can go through the whole book like that, it makes no
sense and is astoundingly poor science, but it's used as justification for 
"modalities" like MVVT and other new age dropsy like yagya's. Believe one and 
you get an idea of how the rest of it works. Except it doesn't. Obviously, not 
beyond the expectations of a placebo anyway.

And the idea of deities as "aspects of natural law" sounds unfortunate to me, 
because the laws of nature are even less likely to change because of prayers 
than the god's appear to be. This is because they are laws rather than 
reasonable beings, laws don't change, that's what makes them reliable and stops 
the universe falling apart.

(Note I clicked on the 'show message history' bit so you know what I'm talking 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <LEnglish5@...> wrote :

My interpretation of what he said is that the Ramayana can be seen as (among 
other things) an extended metaphor for how the human nervous system operates, 
with one-to-one correspondence between various literary/plot elements in the 
book, and actual aspects of our physical nervous system and how the parts 

So, from THAT perspective, the battles of the Ramayana
can be seen as taking place in our bodies.


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