On 4/10/2014 9:02 AM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:

    You need to stop the lying, Judy. Calling someone a troll makes
    assumptions about a writer's motives that are impossible to
    determine. The term troll is highly subjective, and some posts
    will look like trolling to some while seeming like meaningful
    contributions to others.

    I do believe that in this vast audience here at FFL you can count
    Share as your single believer in this "meaningful contribution"
    aspect with regard to yourself. Quite a few others are ready to
    volunteer to drive you to the local nuthouse.

Give me one reason why I would want or need to have a conversation or dialog with Judy or Barry - just one.

The only informants I'm really interested hearing from are Share and Buck, because they are real TMers who live and work in Fairfield, IA and meditate in the domes on a daily basis. Steve has meaningful contributions too, and Lawson posts the most insightful comments about the mechanics of consciousness.

But, I seem to get your attention quite often. Prattle. Go figure.

     But, almost everyone knows for a fact that Bill and Hillary
    Clinton are liars. I'm sorry if that upset you, but it's the
    truth. It's not complicated.

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