On 5/13/2014 7:20 AM, fleetwood_macnche...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:
> Actually, it is a fantasy -- All you are, in the eyes of others, is an 
> unpleasant, and needlessly provocative soul
This, if accurate, is quite a fall from grace. At one time Barry and 
Curtis had aspirations to be spiritual teachers. They must have believed 
all that TM stuff, the meditation and the flying, but they did a 180 at 
some point in their lives, AFTER spending what, twenty years in the 
service of the movement. What happened?

According to Curtis, he changes his mind almost every day, so he may 
have changed it back 180 again today. But, Barry is another case - he 
did his 180 as well, but then he came up against THE CORRECTOR on the 
internet - that's when he went bat-shit crazy posting to FFL. It's not 
complicated. Some people just feel better when they have someone to talk 
to, I guess.

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