Couple comments below...



 That was the point of my post, after all. I just thought up the line, 
considered it funny, and posted it intentionally using the word "determinist" 
because I knew that Judy would feel she "had" to respond to it by ragging on 
me. And she did. Because *she* lives inside an eternal deterministic cycle in 
which any time that Barry says something that challenges or disagrees with 
something she believes in, she "has" to lash out and "get" him, at least in her 
mind. Ann lives in exactly the same odd universe, so of course she piled on. 


 Apparently Judy was responding to the other Barry, not Baweeee so you can 
scratch that theory off the list.

 I think he's referring here to an earlier post of mine responding to his 
one-liner, in which all I did was repeat exactly what he said but changed 
"determinist" to "free will." Amazing that he didn't anticipate how easily that 
lame remark could be turned against him. (Not to mention that my version is 
more appropriate, given that determinists do imagine "the world they see around 
them" in a different way from the free will they actually experience, but free 
will advocates can't imagine anything but what they experience.)


 (more snip)

 I think what's really got him going (aside from the humiliation of his 
extraordinarily stupid comments about Nabby's and my Bible discussion) is that 
I didn't comment at all on the two articles he posted, except for asking about 
lucid dreaming being "mystical" or "spiritual," which I'd never heard before. 
He was expecting a big reaction from me but didn't get one, and that always 
makes him furious.

 You no more "ignore" Judy and I than we ignore you. I don't take you seriously 
and I certainly don't respect you but I don't ignore you. Obviously I don't 
seek your response when I make comments about the drivel you write here. You 
don't engage in conversations you simply sermonize. You talk at people not to 
them and you run from real engagement by simply hurling insults the moment 
anyone actually tries to converse with you. In this way, and in many others, 
you are a fuck up and a failure and you run scared.


 Dittoes. Also amazing that he thinks folks still believe this crap, if they 
ever did.



 Have you ever considered the possibility that those who believe in a 
determinist universe are just too dull to imagine the world they see around 
them any other way?  :-)




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