---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <fleetwood_macncheese@...> wrote :

 That's funny as shit! As I said...

 At least Judy thought she knew what Bawee was trying to say in those two 
sentences because I didn't have a clue. Not only was the phrasing strange but 
the concept was stranger still. And Bawee has purportedly written a "thesis" on 
this forum?! And what sort of "accessories" does he think we all have that are 
"often-unintended"? I, for one, love these little hair combs.










---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote :

 Comments below...
 Especially coming from one of the "Maharishi enlightened."

 "What if what has been described as enlightenment in the past
 has *absolutely nothing* to do with personality or behavior?
 What if, just as those who described it in the past have said,
 it is purely about consciousness, having the ability to directly
 perceive eternality 24/7, and that ability has *absolutely nothing*
 to do with what is going on simultaneously in terms of personality
 and behavior?"

 --Barry Wright, awhile back on alt.m.t

This exchange illustrates my basic thesis on this forum. It REALLY DOESN'T 
MATTER what one *says* about people one doesn't like on FFL. All that matters 
is what the persons saying it do in their posts, as often-unintended 
"accessories" to what they say.

 Very curious to know what Barry believes people"do" in their posts other than 
say things (maybe attach an image or link to an article or YouTube video, but 
other than that?).


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