I think what Barry means by "what [they] do in their posts" is the spin he puts 
on what they say, whether that's what they intended or not--e.g., if you or I 
say something negative about Barry, it's because we're trying desperately to 
force him to respond to us. 

 Of course, that cuts both ways--e.g., when Barry gratuitously demeans 
somebody, it's because he's desperately trying to make himself feel Important 
and Superior.

 (I do think fleetwood was referring not to those remarks of Barry's but rather 
to the startling quote I found on alt.m.t--now snipped--in which Barry suggests 
that enlightenment has no relationship to behavior.)

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <fleetwood_macncheese@...> wrote :

 That's funny as shit! As I said...

 At least Judy thought she knew what Bawee was trying to say in those two 
sentences because I didn't have a clue. Not only was the phrasing strange but 
the concept was stranger still. And Bawee has purportedly written a "thesis" on 
this forum?! And what sort of "accessories" does he think we all have that are 

This exchange illustrates my basic thesis on this forum. It REALLY DOESN'T 
MATTER what one *says* about people one doesn't like on FFL. All that matters 
is what the persons saying it do in their posts, as often-unintended 
"accessories" to what they say.

 Very curious to know what Barry believes people"do" in their posts other than 
say things (maybe attach an image or link to an article or YouTube video, but 
other than that?).


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