then you have not looked at the TMO's PR lately

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" <>
Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2014 11:58 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Another suicide in FF

Look, I left the formal TM movement back in 1981.  I continued to do my 
"program' at the local center for about 8 years after that.  Yes, there was a 
time when I felt TM was a universal panacea, but that would have been sometime 
around 1976.  Since then I've put it in a different perspective about what it 
could and could not achieve, and also came to realize that there were issues 
that needed a different kind of intervention.

So, if TM was or is presented in the way you say, than this is somewhat news to 

And by the way, Tom Ball was a good friend of mine during my time at MIU.  He 
was about the most off the wall and "off the program" fellow you probably could 
have found there.

I remember when I saw his facebook page sometime ago and saw that he was full 
time movement.  I think that was a good choice for him.  I really can't imagine 
that the irreverence that was so much a part of him has given way to a strictly 
"tow the line" mentality.

---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

You are utterly ignoring the way TM is presented to the general public and to 
the already meditating TM community - it is presented in the way I have already 
stated - as a superlative, infallible means of curing every ill. Just look at 
the PR. Its right there. I suggest you get the grip and look clearly at what 
the TMO is advertising and how they advertise it.

In addition, you are not taking into account the intense pressure the TMO, esp. 
at MUM puts on people to conform. The idea that many people believe is that TM 
and all its ancillary programs IS all
they need and it is very difficult for them to deal with feelings that the TMO 
tells them they shouldn't be having, anger, depression and so on. They feel 
there is something wrong with them and they can't talk about it to anyone in 
their environment because all the get is ignored or TM platitudes. This is a 
real thing you are ignoring.

 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2014 9:41 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Another suicide in FF


---In, <steve.sundur@...> wrote :


You just miss the point.  I am no great TM defender.  But you start with a 
misguided notion of what the practice of TM is capable of doing.  And on that 
basis you make connections about what problems can be attributed to the 
practice of TM.

There are many things I think are out of whack in regards the TMO culture, but 
I know, from experience, with my own 21 year old son,
that this is a difficult period of ones life to navigate, with or without the 
practice of TM.

And from my own difficult adolescence, the most the practice of TM was able to 
do for me was give me a few minutes of respite each day.

I would wager, (or at least hope), that any parent within the TMO culture who 
felt they had a child at risk would take any necessary steps to address that 

I knew the parents, or at least the father of the boy who committed suicide a 
few years ago, Daniel S. He did not live in any kind of fantasy world about TM. 

You make this silly statement that if my beliefs are so strong, I should 
consider working full time for the movement.  To me that points out a blind 
spot in that you seem to have taken every claim made about TM at face value, 
never figuring in a discount that most people would naturally take.

And when it fell short, you developed a vendetta.

This has been my point all along. I don't think it is about taking the TM 
promises so literally - it is all so literal how MJ is 'reading' these claims 
and then presenting them as proof that TM doesn't work. It's almost as if he 
believes that
those who practice TM are incapable of making a mistake or being sad or getting 
divorced. Come on. Get a grip. No one believes that just by learning a 
meditation technique that you are going to become super-human, infallible and 
perfect. And no one is buying the fact that because a meditator has decided to 
end their life that it completely invalidates the entire TM practice and 
condemns the Movement as being one big fraud. The world is never so black and 


---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

Steve, I am glad you get something from TM, but you are burying your head in 
the sand if you ignore this - if you can refute it, do so. But this is the one 
thing about TM and all its stuff that bothers me the most. Whether you like it 
or not, there are numerous people who do TMSP long term who become basket cases 
in one way or another, and a number who attempt to or successfully commit 

I acknowledge that TM works for some, but the opposite is true as well. For 
some it is horrendous and for a balanced perspective, one has to look at both 
sides. You spend a fair amount of energy defending the Movement and TM, but if 
it REALLY is fabulous for you, why aren't you working for the Movement and 
living in a TM facility. Be real with it Steve. 

Even Charlie Lutes said that TM was not for everyone. He said that from time to 
time in lectures. When people would come to
Charlie with problems, he would sometimes tell them
to cut back on the TM practice, some were told to do it for only a few, maybe 
five minutes.

Mark my words, when someone collects the info on all these TM suicides and 
makes it public, it will be the beginning of the downfall of the Movement.

 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2014 4:33 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Another suicide in FF

This is the continuous loop you always resort to at times like these, but it is 
so full of wrong or skewed assumptions, that who really wants to rebut them 
over and over.

Like Ann recently said, (which was really nothing that was not quite evident), 
nobody seems to change any else's mind around here.  Well at least on core 

---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

I think you are missing something. To me it is something that the Movement will 
obviously never address, since it would entail them admitting that TM is not 
all one needs in life and they would have to admit that there seemingly ARE 
"side effects" to long term practice to TM, especially when one is rounding. 

I knew Mark Totten, purusha siddha who committed suicide
by stepping in front of a moving train just off campus in Fairfield, there was 
a young woman siddha who killed herself there in FF last year. I was looking at 
the facebook page dedicated to her life and memory and say a post by a woman 
who went to MUM saying that a number of students had attempted over the years 
to have some sort of dialogue or support groups for those who were feeling 
depressed or that sort of thing and as she put it the Movement shut them down 
quickly each time. She also said that from talking to the TM adults she knows, 
this Movement behavior has been going on a long time.

The issue to me is the fact that TM and TMSP plus all the other TM programs, 
nostrums and snake oil are touted as being 100% life supporting with NO 
negative side effect or negative effects of any kind. Yet people still get 
depressed and experience other "negative" emotions and there is no way for them 
to deal with it in the Movement except ignore it and get the meditation checked 
which is a joke. 

If you talk as I have to people
raised in the Movement, there is tremendous
pressure from peers, older adults and official Movement people to not talk 
about such things, just keep your head down and praise MArshy and the Movement. 

When you have long term TM'ers practice mental techniques that are SUPPOSED to 
make life perfect (if you believe the hype the TMO puts out) and people are 
committing suicide including one purusha man who set himself on fire in 
Marshy's basement in Vlodrop, then a serious look at the negative effects of 
long term TM needs to be looked at. 

One man I spoke with whose siddha wife has twice attempted suicide said he 
could think of at least half a dozen suicides by long term TM'ers without even 
trying. This is a man raised in FF by parent TM'ers. 

 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2014 2:57 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Another suicide in FF


---In, <> wrote :

---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :

---In, <geezerfreak@...> wrote :

>>>>>>>>Sheer-el Cohen. He was employed at the Raj. Apparently this
happened yesterday.
>>>>>>>Now this is supremely sad. 
>>>>>>>It certainly is.Suicide is possibly the worst way to lose someone close 
>>>>>>>to you, not only do you have to cope with the unexpected loss you can 
>>>>>>>also have the guilty feelings that you didn't know it was coming and 
>>>>>>>should have been able to stop it. But the reality is you can't.
>>>>>>>I am chilled by the language used in his plea for donations though. I 
>>>>>>>expect this level of zeal from people who convert to the TM belief 
>>>>>>>system when they are adults but to see that level of believerism in 
>>>>>>>someone so young really disturbs me. 
>>>>>>>Any religious education disturbs me actually, I don't think we have the 
>>>>>>>right to influence development in this way. Religion is like language, 
>>>>>>>the first one you learn stays with you as part of you. Save it until you 
>>>>>>>are grown up and wise enough to know better I say, childhood should be 
>>>>>>>for exploration and learning how to judge things critically.
>>>>>>>But we don't know why he killed himself. It could have nothing to do 
>>>>>>>with TM or his participation in it. Just because a tennis player kills 
>>>>>>>themselves doesn't mean it was because they were disillusioned by 
>>>>>>>tennis. There could be millions of other factors coming to play here. 
>>>>>>>Or, am I missing

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