OK, officially, reading "the idea that we can change physical laws by singing 
at the hypothetical deities that are supposed to be in charge" made me spit my 
coffee out all over my screen. That should be the definition of "yagya" in the 
TM Dictionary.  :-)

 From: salyavin808 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :

Terrified ? Haha, I'm just trying to help the poor bugger steer his attention 
into something he already knows something about, and develop that rather than 
occupying his brain with useless speculations about metaphysics. He'll have his 
own experiences eventually, meanwhile he can do something useful.

Very noble of you Nabby. Though I'm at a loss to know what a useless 
speculation about metaphysics might look like. My best guess is that it's when 
things are invented to explain purely physical systems, things like non-local 
consciousness and deities or anthropomorphic projections being used to make up 
for gaps in knowledge. 

Worse though is the idea that we can change physical laws by singing at the 
hypothetical deities that are supposed to be in charge! Now that's time wasted 
(and money). Unless you want to prove otherwise ;-)

The French guy in the video has some good tips, pretty much all of which I've 
already stumbled upon by experimentation, but it's always to good to try 
someone else's techniques in case they augment your own work in some way. I've 
got the look I like - Velvia with attitude - but like everything it evolves, so 
I'll keep watch on his channel. Cheers.

I'm being positive. Look it up and try it sometime.

More beach-photo-editing here, it should keep him occupied for awhile:
Lightroom Tutorials: Two Different Ways to Retouch a Sunset - PLP #166
      Lightroom Tutorials: Two Different Ways to Retouch ... 
To get my source files, sign up at: http://bit.ly/source-files-166 In this 
tutorial Im going to show you how to retouch a sunset with 2 different 
View on www.youtube.com       Preview by Yahoo   

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

In over his head and terrified of having to deal with Sal's awesome intellect, 
Nabby attempts to distract him. Will it work? Tune in next week to "As The 
Kalpas Turn" and find out. 


From: nablusoss1008 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, November 7, 2014 6:45 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] How to keep Sal distracted from metaphysics

With one lens only he can create any beachphoto he ever dreamed of:
Cool Tricks for Panoramas in Difficult Light Conditions - PLP #167
      Cool Tricks for Panoramas in Difficult Light Conditions ... 
To get my source files, sign up at: http://bit.ly/sourcefiles-167 Panoramas are 
a good way to show the beauty of a grandiose scene, and often we have to...  
View on www.youtube.com       Preview by Yahoo   

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