turq wrote:

Oregon is a great place, east or west, but you are not even making any sense, 
Ultra - how are you going to provide reasonably priced food to your family 
without "big agra"; and how are you going to make service calls to earn money 
without "big oil"; and without laws passed by "federal politicians"?

I'm all for eating good healthy food, but apparently you're living in a food 
desert. A food desert is defined as an area where affordable food is not 
available within walking distance of your home. You'd have to be rich to shop 
for pure organic food in a new car. Most poor people have to take a bus or walk 
miles to the nearest Safeway. 

 I am not rich and I have absolutely feeding my family organic, non  GMO, 
insecticide free foods for the most part.  I'm not an absolutist here.  But, 
given the choice I chose the above.  Stores like Whole Paycheck, New Seasons, 
Trader Joes, Fred Meyer provide options for the above.  They are a bit more, 
but not by much.  WE Americans eat too much food anywy. Obseity is a national 
problem and I really feel that the organinc, GMO free food etc., is affordable. 
 I was at a protest in Portland in 2013 and one of my favorite signs there was 
"If you think Organic Food is expensive ask me about my Cancer."  Since I watch 
my wife go through treatment for colon cancer I can easily back up this 
person's claim.  

Also, this country is not paying the real the price of food anyway.  The worst 
food in this country is heavily subsidized by the government.  Good food is 
left to fight for shelf and floor space.

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