I have an organic lemon tree. That's because it takes nothing to have a lemon tree in California. Just have the tree pruned about every other year. They are Myers lemons so are slightly sweet. OTOH, I have a green apple tree which I've tried to do organic. Doesn't matter what I do and what insect traps I use they still get wormy. Apple trees are just too much work. Coddling moths are the main pest and they lay eggs on the buds so you have to put the traps out early. But the traps are $18 for two. You can buy several bags of bug free organic apples at Trader Joes for that.

On 02/18/2015 04:30 PM, Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:
there is a hellofa taste difference between commercially raised veggies and the ones I get from my brother who grows his in his rather large garden - he is about 90% organic I guess and his produce is mighty fine.

Big difference in taste also in the farm raised shrimp you get in the grocery store and the wild caught ones we get from the buyers in McClellanville SC who get them from the shrimpers who operate day boats. Big difference in flavor for sure.

*From:* ultrarishi <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
*To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
*Sent:* Wednesday, February 18, 2015 6:04 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Oh great! GMO apples approved for growing in the US

You are right, I have not provided any links to show the safety of organic vs. non organic and I'm not going to. I have researched this enough over the decades that I am quite comfortable with what I have seen, experienced and learn.

Have you seen who is behind the geneticliteracyproject.org. It's just one of the many faces of the Hydra that Koch Bros. spawn every 5 minutes. And if you give them a little time we will see something like Americans For Food Security, Alimentary Crossroads, and the Coffee Tea and Me Party.

Even if GMO and non organic food was perfectly safe, it has been horrible practice internationally. The vast majority of antibiotics given out are going to animals because of the unsanitary and inhumane ways they are raised. We are practicing monoculture which creates extreme food insecurity when your crops are stricken with blight. We have our economy dominated by big oil, big pharma and big agra which are not innovating the drugs we need, especially antibiotics and rendering what we have into uselessness. We fight wars in hot, dusty countries that hate us (and for good reason) and modern agricultural practices have destroyed the small farm and created margins so small for farmers it's just not worth it to them. The big companies are just like our financial institutions where they have gotten so large they are too big to fail. So, even if their products are perfectly safe I refuse to buy them because they are destroying small business, our health system, our economy, our respect in the world. They are a time bomb.

Genetic Literacy Project is directed by Jon Entine, who is a Fellow at the American Enterprise Insttitute. One of his recent clients (drum roll please) was Monsanto! Big surprise!

So, I'm not going to take the bait and engage in a discussion about where is all the research. There is plenty of good reason NOT to eat these foods that have little to do with food safety. I am trying to keep as much of the money I earn in circulation in small, local business who live where I live, have sustainable practices and treat their employees (my neighbors) well. I do not want to give money to the robber barons who are destroying this country while suspressing wages, free speech, corporate transparency and accountability, wantonly ignore global warming, screw the good work some NGO's are doing, corrupting politics, and supporting big tobacco. I am sure they have lots of studies that prove not only are these nerve toxins safe on our foods, etc., but, in fact, are great for us. To steal one of my favorite quotes: " I never meta-analysis I didn't like"!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <richard@...> wrote :

We eat organic natural foods because we enjoy them and can afford them and we live within walking distance of a Whole Foods Market, a Trader Joe's, and a week-end Farmer's Market. The vast majority of people cannot access these food sources or afford the higher prices. You are considered part of the elite if you shop for food at these establishments.

You failed to provide any links or cite any sources that would indicate that organic or non-GMO foods are superior to human health over normal foods purchased at a Safeway food store. Organic food preferences are simply personal preferences, cult fads and the food fetishes of rich people. You also failed to provide any alternative sources for the availability of food to the mass of humanity.

There is no scientific proof that organic or natural foods contribute anything to improved human health over normal food in a Safeway store. According to what I've read, there is broad scientific consensus that food on the market derived from GM crops does not pose any greater risk to human health than conventional food.

"In fact, 'factories' located within the plant itself are now known to make new genes. The new genes are composed of pieces of old genes and are put together haphazardly. Hence, we have always been eating foods containing brand new — but totally uncharacterized —genes."


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <noozguru@...> wrote :

Farmers markets are year round here. The produce selection this winter has been pretty dismal due to the drought.

When I was living in Seattle I shopped the co-op. Some of our supermarkets, like Raley's, have large organic produce sections and it's sometime worth checking prices because some items might be on sale for less than the non-organic.

        On 02/17/2015 10:18 PM, ultrarishi wrote:

And I forgot the Farmer's Markets (as in plural)! They are seasonal, obviously, so the don't come readily to mind, especially this time of the year. In addition to the people also subscribe to Food Cooperatives. Many of our friends split a subscription because the bounty is so large.

Here's a link to last year's Farmer's Market Guide. Dr. Triguna would be proud of how seasonal our eating is,


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