Wow. Marshy awards. To be given an "award" in the name of a fraud and huckster. 
What an honor. Are you getting any Marshy awards for your dedication to the 
group Program? and your years of service in the FF community? Or are you still 
waiting to see if they'll let you back in the Golden Dome of Pure Hypocrisy? 
Jai Guru Cult Mania.

      From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 12:01 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world
    Dear ReVerseArrow; tonite they aregiving Maharishi Awards in celebration to 
distinguished citizens ofthe larger community at the Spring Celebration on 
campus. I have acouple of friends in the community who are receiving Maharishi 
Awardstonite. I should think that you are deservingtoo of such recognition 
given both the breadth of your advanced stateof 'number one' spiritual 
experience and your easy ability to speakand write to it by contrast of so much 
speculation that gets writtenon FFL. Yet, not only your resilience here in the 
coarseand malignant crossfire of FFL but yours as a straight arrow on target 
hereamidsts the residual of FFL deserves recognition at the level of aMaharishi 
Award. Thank you. I appreciate yourparticipation when it comes here. It seems 
always clarifying. I dofeel the disrespect of a pernicious unkindness by the 
few that hasovertaken FFL as that you endured here on Rick's list forcing 
youeven to leave FFL on moral ground was reprehensible and Rick should have 
given youmuch more protection from it. But a recognition of your 
longercontribution to what was FFL should not go without acknowledgment. Thank 
you for your service. JaiGuruYou, -Buck in Fairfield

---In, <reverse_archery@...> wrote :

Hi Barry, Jim Flanegin here. I appreciate your ability to fantasize (as usual), 
though this post wasn't from me. I have said before I have no desire to 
interact with you, *ever again*, and I meant it. 
Have a nice day.

---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

Sounds to me as if Jim Flanegin, concerned that the number of posts made each 
day in the last week on The_Leak is less than half of the number of registered 
members, and that the only reason the number of people actually making these 
posts is greater than 8 this week is that Rick posted a couple of times, 
suddenly realizes that he is not getting nearly the amount of attention he 

So he reads FFL and realizes that once again Barry is making valid points of 
criticism about Maharishi and the TM movement that none of the TM supporters 
there can refute. Of course a couple of die-hard cultists have piled on to him 
to try to demonize him so that lurkers don't pay attention to the fact that 
what he's saying is fact, but that doesn't seem to be working. Horrors. 

So Jimbo realizes he has to come to the rescue. Because *he* can't refute the 
facts that Barry's been posting either (because...duh...they're facts), the 
only thing he can do is make up slander about Barry, the way he used to before 
he ran away from FFL with his tail between his legs. But, he realizes, he can't 
even do *that* any more because everyone will know it's him, and will know that 
even *he* is so bored with the trivial mind-pablum that passes for discussion 
on The_Leak that he has to come back to FFL to get his 
throw-some-nastiness-around fix. 

Jimbo realizes that to pull this off he's going to have to create a new ID, and 
spends 15 whole minutes trying to decide whether to make this one male or 
female. Finally, deciding that he *still* hasn't gotten over the embarrassment 
of pretending to be a woman called enlightened_dawn11 for months, he decides on 
the name ak_ak, because that's the sound his throat makes involuntarily every 
time he realizes that someone's getting more attention than he is. He adds a 
random number to the end of ak_ak and lets fly, making up stuff he imagines 
about Barry's day. 

Then, spent, he goes back to *his* day, which consists of sitting in front of 
his computer, staring at the screen, clicking Return every 30 seconds, saying, 
"Why hasn't anyone said anything about me yet?" 

Meanwhile, Barry dashes off this post in a couple of minutes to make him feel 
better, because someone finally has.  :-)  :-)  :-)

  From: ak_ak_0828 <>
 Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 11:41 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world
 Barry Wright's nar-ci-fan-ta-stun-ted world
12:00 pm - 05:00 amA restless dreamy sleepy stupor, imaginary battles with 
Richard & Steve on FFL (now that the likes of Judy, Robin, Emily, Ann, Jim, 
Ravi aren't around). Lurker reporter interviews with a gloating Barry on TM and 
06:00 - 7:00 amBarry rudely awakened from bed, need to drop Maya off at school 
and walk the dogs to earn free rent
07:00 - 09:00 am Morning routine and then read FFL and write about fantasy 
trips to the coffee shop and some hot waitress chick
10:00 - 12:00Watch movies with generous forwarding so he has something 
interesting to write about on FFL to impress the likes of noozguru, salyavin, MJ
12:00 - 02:00Lunch & nap, chores, cleaning for free rent and food.
02:00 - 4:00 pmPick up Maya, walk dogs, clean house to earn free rent
04:00 pm - 10:00 pmWrite on FFL ranting against TM, Scientology, Robin, Judy, 
calling Richard, Steve and others narcissists and his interesting sojourns 
around Amsterdam.
10:00 - 12:00 pmRead random articles on Internet and Facebook so he can impress 
the likes of noozguru, salyavin, MJ
12:00 pmBarry exhausted, drifting to sleep.
Another day ends.....

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