It's a Potemkin village all the way down.

---In, <noozguru@...> wrote :

 You've got it all wrong, we don't happen to the world, the world happens to 
us. :-D 
 On 04/13/2015 09:12 AM, Duveyoung wrote:
   Fuck Lynch. In any other Yuga but Kali, the guy'd put to death on the spot.
 The TMO almost got Russel Brand.  But he's too smart.
 I'm thinking the TMO might get lucky with another hot rock band or whatever.  
Suckers born every minute etc.   Without a figure head to allure, though, 
there's small chance of getting someone into deep believer-hood.  
 "Maharishi says" just don't gots the whallop anymore, cuz: HE'S DEAD.

 Who's going to give even a dime to grungy Girish?
 Not Bill Gates.  Maybe a Russel type, but not a serious-ass business type.   
 16% reduced use of oxygen charts just are bullshit to the ultra-rich -- 
they're rich and beloved of God OBVIOUSLY, so a guru offering an "in" with God 
is a much lesser offer to them than it would be to a poor person.  Believe it: 
they're already enjoying life as if God was their personal concierge.  
 David Lynch got himself grabbed by the ego, and, hey, given his films' 
darknesses, sure seems like a proper karma for him to be victimized.  Think of 
the shit he's put into all our minds with his tales of such fucked up 
personalities -- film after film with everything being done with a vile twist.  
 Yeah, I said it.  Real harm.  When you put out that much PURE SHIT into the 
brains of millions, what are the chances that some folks in the audience are 
just on the cusp of acting out, and then a Lynch film puts someone past the 
tipping point?  To most folks, that's a silly question.
 Nope.  We're all affecting each other -- just some of us got the mojo to smack 
a whole-lotta minds in one go, and that responsibility is being met by EVIL 
DISREGARD for the sanctity of the mindset of the masses.
 Lynch is sick minded.  End of story.   
 Heh, R.Crumb would be a better celebrity for us.  Just sayin'.



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