I was never re-certified. I hadn't taught since the mid seventies and had no 
plans to resume teaching and I'd be damned if I was going to give them 
$2,000.00 to maintain credentials I had no intentions of using, at least for 
the time being.  I looked at it as blackmail. Their services are no longer 
needed by me as well.
       From: "rich...@rwilliams.us [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2015 3:42 PM
 Subject: Re: FUCK YOU -- YOU LYING FUCK, WILLY. Re: [FairfieldLife] ~~~~~~~~~~ 
about TMO friendship ~~~~~~~~~~~
It looks like you are no longer in good standing with the TMO, your name does 
not appear on the re-certified list of TM Teachers. Your services are 
apparently no longer needed. Go figure. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <noozguru@...> wrote :

I wasn't kicked out either.  It's justanother wild Willytex delusion.  As I've 
mentioned many times, Iwalked away disgusted that the TMO would charge $185 for 
what wasessentially an intro lecture on ayurveda I could have givenmyself.  
That was in 1985.

On 04/15/2015 10:55 AM, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@...[FairfieldLife] wrote:

  I'venever been kicked out or disciplined by the TMO, I stillget weekly 
notifications of group Meds and seasonalcelebrations from the local center. 
However, because Ifind the *organization* so FUBAR, for my own peace ofmind, I 
choose to keep my distance from it, otherwise Iwould get kicked out. Quite 
frankly, I find the TMO tobe the antithesis of what it claims TM does for 
theindividual. It's not efficient, creative orcompassionate. That is a façade. 
I've found TM leadersto be spiritual bullies and power trippers. "OhMaharishi 
wouldn't want that" (I know because I'm inperfect tune with his thinking). I 
find them lazy(ohNature will organize that) and their fragile little egosget 
offended easily if you offer constructive criticismor a better idea (oh, you're 
just being negative). Don'train on my parade attitude. I Like TM and think of 
theresults in longer terms and I love Maharishi, although Irealized he is just 
a man with human faults and not theGod I once seemed to worship as. As for the 
TMO, I findit to be an embarrassment. I think the straw that brokethe camel's 
back for me was telling me I had to give theTMO another $2,000.00 to keep 
teaching, assuming Iwanted to. I will not be black-mailed.
   From:"richard@... [FairfieldLife]"<FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
Sent:Wednesday, April 15, 2015 9:49 AM
Subject:Re: FUCK YOU -- YOU LYING FUCK, WILLY. Re:[FairfieldLife] ~~~~~~~~~~ 
about TMO friendship~~~~~~~~~~~

It'sstarting to look like an informantwent bat-shit crazy when Imentioned 
getting kicked out ofthe TMO. This must be a sensitiveissue. Gofigure.

Itmight be a topic for discussion,but nobody seems to want to admitthat they 
got kicked out. Has anyone beenkicked out of the TMO? Ifso, for what reason? 
Just behonest. Thanks.


What makes someone join a cult inthe first place?

Why would anyone want to stay in acult?

Why would anyone get kicked out ofa cult?

Other topics for discussion:

How could anyone quit a cult anddo it "mindfully"? Obviouslyanyone that stays 
in an abusivecult for a decade or more hasalready had their brain washedseveral 
times over, right? 

How does someone in a cult get outof the trance-induction state?Should they go 
see a cult-exitcounselor? Some people feelbetter when they havesomeone to talk 
to. I'mnot convinced that dialoging onsocial media will help cure anyonefrom 

Also, what about electric shocktherapy? Where is Dr. Pete when weneed him?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,<no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :


Never was kicked out of themovement.  Left it mindfully.

If I was in your state, I'd sue youfor slander.  

What an evil fucking twisted-asscreep you are. 

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