thanks for noticing  (-:

---In, <noozguru@...> wrote :
You guys act like a trio of cranky old men who've been locked up in a mental 
institution.  Oh that's right this is the Funny Farm Lounge though some of the 
prior inmates have been moved to another ward. ;-) 
 Derek will be along with your medication any time now.
 On 05/20/2015 02:23 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

<jr_esq@...> mailto:jr_esq@... wrote :
 It all depends on how you look at things.  Icke is in the business of shocking 
people.  So, you have to understand what his motivations are--money, fame, 
notoriety, entertainment, sex, or whatever.  From what I understand, I don't 
believe he's interested in higher consciousness.
 David Icke had a severe mental breakdown. He thought he was the son of god 
(common psychotic delusion) and thought that wearing a purple tracksuit would 
spare him and his family from god's wrath.
 He also made loads of predictions, none of which came true. Prior to 
discovering his true mission in life he was a goalkeeper and then TV sports 
commentator before he had his "vision".  While everyone else was laughing at 
him I felt sorry for him. His mind had cracked and he didn't know what to do 
with the drivel that was pouring forth from his unconscious. A lot of what he 
says is pure paranoia, unfortunately there are plenty of things going on in the 
world that are very dodgy so anyone with a penchant for wild stories about what 
"they" are up to will get enough of a hit rate to convince a few lonely souls 
that they're onto something.
 He is of course a multi-millionaire from his endless lectures and it kind of 
worries me that so many people who never learned a critical way of judging 
evidence are convinced by him. Having a dream about aliens and then meeting a 
new age channeller who confirms what you saw is not evidence. Some of what he 
says politically I agree with but it isn't like he's the only commentator on 
Earth who thinks that the Palestinians have got a raw deal.
 I do think he's dangerous though, mainly because there are growing numbers of 
people who believe that the world is run by a secret cabal of shape shifting 
reptiles from outer space. Are these people allowed to vote? And given that 
Icke's main message is one of breaking free from social conditioning, isn't it 
ironic that they got suckered by this and are therefore must be the most easily 
manipulated people out there?
<turquoiseb@...> mailto:turquoiseb@... wrote :
 From: salyavin808 <>
<mjackson74@...> mailto:mjackson74@... wrote :
 Jr are you saying you give credence to David Icke's stuff???
 And what would David Icke make of John?

 I suspect he'd see him the same way we do -- dysfunctional.  :-)


 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" mailto:jr_esq@...[FairfieldLife] 
 Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2015 4:15 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Princess Charlotte of Cambridge

 David Icke states in his lectures and books that the present queen of England 
is one of the reptilian life forms who have taken over the power positions in 
the world.   Yes, even George W. Bush is considered to be one of them.

 David Icke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
 David Icke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia David Vaughan Icke (/aɪk/; IKE, 
born 29 April 1952) is an English writer, public speaker and a former 
professional footballer and sports broadcaster. He ...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


 Also, it is interesting to note that the jyotish charts of the grandparents 
(Prince Charles and Princess Diana) and parents (Prince William, Duke of 
Cambridge and Duchess Katherine) of Princess Charlotte have the conjunction of 
the Moon and Rahu/Ketu.  As you know, Rahu/Ketu is considered to be a snake, a 
reptile in vedic lore.

 Is it possible that jyotish can identify the reptilian people who are living 
here on earth?  Is it possible that Nature is apparently allowing these 
reptilians to incarnate in the world to rule over it?

<> wrote :
<jr_esq@...> mailto:jr_esq@... wrote :
 Here's an interesting rendition of what she will look like at 18 years old.
 She's going to look like a girl? Amazing!
 But I suspect that she'll have a nose that is much more turned up, and 
probably a look of disgust at having a mere member of the great unwashed 
getting close enough to take a photograph.
 Photo: Royal Baby Princess Charlotte at Age 18
 Photo: Royal Baby Princess Charlotte at Age 18 Is this what Princess Charlotte 
will look like as a teenager?


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